"What Is Your Buissness With The Troupe?"

64 3 2

Kurapikas (POV)
I sat in the corner with my head down, it was Leorios turn to go out but I could care less. Sooner or later I heard footsteps coming my way. "Kurapika?"
I heard someone say. I looked up to see someone. It was Y/N.

"Kurapika" She breathed out

  I looked into her (e/c) orbs and stared for a bit before speaking, "yes?"
  The girl sat down across from me and we sat in silence.

"There is something I want to ask"

"Go ahead" I said

"The phantom troupe. What is your buisness with it." She asked in a serious tone, usually I'd stay calm and collected but it gave me chills.

"Well I-"

"I want answers, and now."

"You cannot force anything out of me, after all earlier I didn't force anything out of you" I spoke trying to be tough

"I can, I could, but I wont, if you just speak, and this is a different matter"   Y/N said

"Why, what do you have with them" I looked away so my eyes didn't shine a scarlet red.

"Nothing, but I depise them" She said

"Why is that" I questioned

"None of your buisness, but I do know, you seem to despise them too. Then, we shall work together" She said

"We are, we are friends"

"Are we? Or am I just a companion to accompany you all through this god damn exam!" She shouted

"God love birds calm down" Killua said

"KILLUA" Me and Y/N shouted in union.


Word Count : 265

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