- Ultimate Guide to Decorating Your Room -

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Hello! I will be talking about *angel music* room decor. Now, I am currently planning to decorate my new room, and let me tell you, as an overthinker, it's hard to settle on something.

I have been OBSESSED with watching re-decorating Youtube videos, I would watch 10 in a row. Of course, each room had its own size and aesthetic, making me terribly indecisive. However, I now have WAYYYY too many ideas, which is good for you, since I am going to share them with you.

Here are some quick tips before we start -

- For planning, Pinterest is your bestie.

- If you are decorating by yourself and want company, try listening to something. A podcast, your online lesson that you should be focusing on, blah blah blah.

- Try getting someone to decorate someone with you. I don't recommend family members because well, your dad would be trying to DIY everything, your mum would be advising you, your brother would be eating crisps watching you work, and your sister would be whining. Of course, it's your choice. I would bring a friend, or I would bring some of my 5 personalities to accompany me :D

- Watch multiple re-decorating videos before.

- Plan thoroughly and over a week, don't rush it or you might regret some things.

- Know your aesthetic(s). If you don't have any, try thinking of a colour theme. If you have multiple aesthetics, find your dominant one, or mix both of them.

- Know the EXACT dimensions of your room.

Okay, let's start.

I am going to start with a small room as that is the size of my future room.

Now, the first thing you want to do is clean your entire room, and EMPTY it to the maximum. Then, (if you want to), if you have wallpaper and want to change it, rip it off babe. Take your anger out on it. And make sure that you pick up the big bits off the floor after. Then, once every single bit of wallpaper is off, if there's holes in the wall you need to patch them. Then, you need to sand the patches down, and then you have to add some primer and wait for it to dry and then you can add either your new wallpaper or paint your wall! If it's paint then it's way easier. If it's already a light colour, then you can just paint two layers over it, and if it's a dark colour you remove the paint, sand the wall and paint 2 coats. Boom! The walls are officially done (for now).

Make sure to remove any bits that fell on your floor and you can hoover the little bits. Then, it you want to change your carpet or floorboards, replace it with something that you LIKE. Fuzzy grey carpet, wood floorboards, etc. You need to like it. That's the main thing. Okay so it's really easy. If it's a carpet, rip it off, add a new one, add nails on the corners and voilà. If it's floorboards, take them out, add new ones, nail them in, voilà. You have your floor ready.

Furniture. Dun dun dududuunnnnnn. Okay so, obviously you need a wardrobe, a bedside table, a bed (no wayyy who would've thought!!!) and if it's a small room you don't have space for a bookshelf. Cry about it. No please don't I was kidding. So, one tip- WHITE. You need it white. Oh and please don't get anything from argos they suck. So you get your stuff, install it and then...

Then it's decoration. Colour theme. Aesthetic. MY FAVOURITE YET MOST HORRIBLE PART. Favourite because it's fun and most horrible because I'm indecisive as heck. Kids don't be like me. Okay so, it's up to you but here are some stuff to make it more keeyout (cute, but make it emphasized).

- candles

- you need a trash can btw

- throw pillows and blankets (a lot of them)

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