Taylor head falls heavily on my shoulder. I place a kiss softly on the crown of her head and lightly play with her hair between my fingers, careful not to pull too hard and wake her. I hear her breaths became deeper and slower. I know she’s nodding off. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer into my side. The driver sets off and we just sit there half asleep wrapped in eachothers arms.


“We’re here.” The driver calls out. I look outside of the car to find we’re pulled up in front of the studios. Some fans are at the doors but pulled back by security. I gently rock Taylor waking her from her slumber.


“Baby wake up. We’re here.” I kiss her cheek. She slowly starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open, showing off her beautiful eyes. She stirs and starts to whine a little bit causing me to laugh. “C'mon, we have an interview to do, and you get to perform.


Taylor laughs. I know she loves to perform, but doesn’t like interviews. She sits up straight quickly and smoothed down her soft and silky hair. She grabs my hand in hers and intertwines our finger. I kiss her temple and open the door to awaiting screams and flashes.


As I set foot outside, I am shocked by the screams and chants coming from fans. We haven’t really been as engaged with them as we used to be, but they still seem to love us all. I pull Taylor closer into my side and peck her cheek. We walk towards the crowd smiling and still linked together. I lift my hand and wave to the fans.


“Taylor! Zack!” I small, high pitched voice came through the crowd. I pull Taylor across to where a small little girls probably about seven or eight years old. Once we reach her we find her being pushed aside by the older fans near by. She has a T-shirt with a homemade print of the two of us on it. Her hair is pulled back in two plaits and her small hands are reaching out trying to pass out a small notebook and pen.


“Excuse me.” Taylor calls out to the fans and pulling back the barrier. She grabs the little girls hand and pulls her out past the crowd. She crouches down to her level looking her in the eye with a massive smile plastered on her face. The little girl is jumping up and up and down with excitement. “Hey what’s your name?” Taylor asks the little girl.


“S-sarah.” She gets out after overcoming her shock. “C-can I h-have a hug.” Taylor nods her head and Sarah envelops her in a tight bone crushing hug. Taylor giggles and hugs back, but not too tight or the little girl would be crushed.


“I’m guessing you don’t want from me then.” I say to Sarah trying to fake being hurt. Shara's face changes dramaticaly. She lets go of Taylor and comes across to me.


“No, no. I was going to ask..” She keeps her head down looking guilty. Shit. I feel bad now. 


I cut her off. “I was just kidding with you.” I crouch down to her level and she jumps into my arms nearly knocking me back on the floor. I hug her tight and she is giggling.


“Thank you. I love you both so much. You’re my favorite singers and people ever. I can’t believe I’m meeting you. I have always wanted to meet you both. I have your posters up in my room and I have been trying to save money to come to your concert. I do all the cores to get $5 a week but it's not enough. But eventualy come and see you both. I love you both SO much! ” I laugh and pull back a bit and look at her.


“Thank you so much Sarah. Hey, I have an idea.” Her small nose scrunches up in confusion. I look up to Taylor who is now standing up. She seems to also understand what I’m thinking. “Why don’t you come get a special view of the performance today. We’ll talk to our people and find a way to sit you in front of the barriers. You can stay back stage with us too. Would you like that?” She giggles and jumps up and down nodding her head vigorously.


“Can my sister come with me? She brought me here today and she’s at the back. There.” She point over to the back of the crowd to a tall girl probably around our age. The girls is franticaly looking around for her sister. She must not see her with us. I think she must have been pushed back too. I nod my head and find Taylor doing the same. She giggles and I direct a few guard to find her sister. I stand up and get her take her small hand in mine. Taylor also grabs her other hand we walk into the studios with her. Taylor holds a converation with Sarah's sister, Olivia. Turns out she is the same age as us so I think it's good she has someone to talk to. We have only been able to talk to our friends through skype or over the phone. We have try to catch up with a few of our old friends back here but some don't treat us the same. Hopefuly things can change soon.


As we walk in the receptionist gives us a weird look, but directs us to the hair and makeup Taylor sits her next to her and Sarah intently watches as they touch up our hair and makeup. Her sister walks in. came up and thanked us for what we did. We told her that ‘It’s nothing’. Which it seriously is. We love our fans and will do anything foor them.

Hey everyone!

I know it's short but I have way too much homework. Who agrees teaches love to torture us.

The books comming to and end so sad.

I promiss to update soon.

I love ya all,

Kath xxx

PS: Any Aussies out there, I know sunrise is filmed in Sydney but this is just a book.

Making it togetherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon