The Birth of a "Friendship"

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Nadia’s POV

She moved her hands slowly down my gills, and they twitched lightly at the touch of her soft, un-webbed hands.

“That’s…amazing.” She laughed. “I want gills…”

And the two girls carried on like that for hours. After a while, Nadia pointed out that it was noon, and Jocelyn said that she needed to get home.


“I want to see you again…” Nadia said to her new friend.

“Me too.” Jocelyn sighed. “Let’s meet here tomorrow, at sunrise.”

And they did. As a matter of fact, every single morning, the girls would get up, sneak out, and talk for hours, about friends, family, and what life was like for their species, falling more and more in love with each passing moment.

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