
198 3 11

And now for some optional stuff! Whoo!

For your OC's favourite and least favourite prey, pick two numbers 1-8

1. Mouse

2. Shrew

3. Vole

4. Fish

5. Rabbit

6. Bird

7. Lizard

8. Frog

For your OC's favourite and least favourite activity, pick two numbers 1-16

1. Sleeping

2. Spending time with others

3. Going on walks

4. Patrolling (for Clan-cats and kittypets only!)

5. hunting

6. Fighting (training or otherwise)

7. Eating

8. Bird-watching

9. Gathering herbs

10. Sharpening their claws

11. Climbing trees

12. Swimming

13. Running

14. Gathering moss

15. Building/repairing dens (only for Clan-cats!)

16. Playing

For favourite and least favourite place to sleep, pick a number 1-10

1. In the sun

2. In the shade

3. Under trees

4. In the open

5. In a den

6. On a warm rock

7. On a riverbank

8. On a nest

9. With other cats

10. Alone

For what they fear, pick a number 1-19

1. Heights

2. Water

3. Other cats

4. Twolegs

5. Dogs

6. Foxes

7. Badgers

8. Thunder

9. Rain

10. The dark

11. Birds of prey

12. Rabbits (they can be dangerous)

13. Monsters

14. Big things

15. Loud noises

16. Bugs

17. Blood

18. Pain

19. Fighting

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