Chapter 1 First Day of School

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It was 9pm and you still haven't sleep yet because you we're nervous and shy at the same time,then thinking that they'll be disgusted at you because your a human studying at a anthro school, but you finally calmed down.

*You slapped yourself*
"Oh c'mon (Y/N) this shit ain't new,its just like the old ones you had!"

Because of that you feel less nervous and scared of what'll be the outcome tomorrow and decide to brush your teeth and head to bed

*Sigh*"I can do this,it'll be just like the old ones, introduce yourself, make new friends,study hard and etc.(Y/N) just remember that both of them are proud at you and smiling down on you and protecting you every second of your life" you said to yourself and then called it a night and went to sleep


The sun shines its light down on you


Trying to ignore the sunlight for 2 mins, you had enough and just wake up and thanked the sun sarcastically for waking you up so early

*Grabs phone underneath the pillow and checks the time*

You:. . .

As soon as you saw what time is it you immediately began to panic and start to rush things like taking a bath,eating,brushing your teeth and so on. You just decided to run your full ass way to school because you're late and all and luckily the school wasn't that far and you're a fast runner as well so you dont have to worry about being slow at running

You arrived at the school 15 mins before class starts and you felt relieved because of that. You walked towards the entrance and saw a tall grey husky with a wonderful green eyes leaning back on a wall and after a few more seconds on staring at the husky, he finally looked back at you staring at him and walked towards your direction and asked you a question.

Shoichi: Hi im Shoichi Urata, and you must be... (Y/N) Arashi? The first human transferee on this school right?

You:oh yes that is correct
you said to the husky

Shoichi:Just in time, im going to show you your classroon right now,and while doing so can i ask you some questions on the way?

You: Oh sure, but i cant answer them all is that okay?

The husky nods cheerfully, is it because you agreed to answer some of his questions or is it because its his first time seeing a human? or maybe both?!?


Random Student:Hey Jinichirou something new there yet?
Jinichirou:I cant hear any footsteps outside

Yuuichi:Damn why's everyone so noisy today? there's nothing new everyday.
Jun:Oh haven't you heard?
Yuuichi:What are tou talking about?
Jun:There's a human transfering in this school
Yuuichi:New student? thats nothing new on every school life
Jun:I know but its a human!

"He does got a point there and im kinda interested too on the human, i've never seen a human in my life before so this will be interesting"

Yuuichi:*sigh* You're right its kinda new now and im kinda interested on what do humans look like
Jun:See?!! This will be fun and exciting!!

"Jeez Jun so energetic at new things"

Jinichirou:E-Everybody go back someone's coming

The Whole class returned to their seats quickly and began to act normal like nothing happened.

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