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On one of the rare days where Sage wasn't attached to Karl's hip, she was lounging on her couch inside of her townhouse, her laptop propped up on her thighs. Her last class of the day, held in a virtual meeting, was officially over, and now she was glancing over all of her schoolwork that had to be done in the following days and weeks. The list of assignments seemed never-ending, and she was ready to pull out each strand of her hair one by one.

Then her phone started buzzing. Karl was calling, like he did every single day, like clockwork, to check on how her school day had gone. During the calls he also judged her mood, deciding whether or not she absolutely needed to hang out for a pick-me-up, or if he should wait for her to ask for him to hang out. He did it every single school day, and had done it since they had started getting close.

The girl pressed the green button before propping her phone up on her laptop, groaning as soon as the call completely connected. Karl laughed, putting his own phone up against something near his PC, continuing his work on his computer. "Bad day?" The question was light-hearted, but he was obviously genuinely listening, constantly flipping his gaze over to her before back at his computer screen.

With a small sigh, she shook her head. "Not really. I just have so much homework, it's stupid. It's like they don't realize we're adults with actual lives. You know, I'm gonna have to get a job soon, and this homework is just gonna become even stupider to me. And my grades are just gonna plummet and then the next stupid nine-to-five job I get is going to be my life. I won't even get the opportunity to write little descriptions for magazines, much less actually become a full-fledged writer!" At the end of her rant, she threw up her hands in exasperation, and the boy on the other end of the line just giggled at her.

"First of all, I will help you find a job you enjoy in case you end up spending the rest of your life doing it," he teased, before jokingly flinching when she turned to glare at him. "Second of all, I'm sure your homework isn't that bad. What is it?" Suddenly, his full, undivided attention was on her, the streamer turning his full body to glance at his phone screen.

Sage looked over at him before back at her computer screen, sighing again before clicking for the description of one of her assignments, reading it in her head before relaying the information back to Karl. "This one says to write an essay about my week, starting from today to the end of Sunday. It's due next Sunday. Dude, I don't even do anything during my week except for sleeping and hanging out with you," she scoffed, glancing over at the boy who grinned at her. "Why are you smiling at my demise?"

"Because you forget that your sexy, handsome, amazing best friend does amazing, interesting things every day for his lines, plural, of work," he responded swiftly. When her eyebrow raised, totally not at his description of himself, he rolled his eyes before starting to explain. "Everything I do for YouTube is crazy, right? I mean, every video we film, including the ones that don't make it to the actual website, is full of amazing things that people find incredible enough to click on no matter what. There's no way it won't make for a long, amazing essay. It doesn't even have to be just that, either. I could give you the best week of your life, and then you won't have to worry about having nothing to write about."

The excitement flooding Karl's tone and written all over his face made Sage smile. Every day he proved to her more and more that everything he did was for the happiness of others and not for his own leisure or profit. He was constantly doing things for his friends, checking up on his friends, losing sleep to work on projects he knew people would love and to talk to the people he knew that either stayed up late or woke up early in other countries. In fact, the only time Sage really knew he was asleep was when she was at his house and he decided to take naps, and that was rare.

"You'd do that for me?" She asked, raising her eyebrows with a grin.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'd do anything for you."

BRIGHT! ━ K. JACOBS.Where stories live. Discover now