The days went by like a blink of an eye and Fengjiu was sitting in her tree until she heard a familiar voice call out her name. "Xiaojiu!" The man called out and she looked down "Xiaoyan? Why are you here?" She jumped down the tree and walked over to him. Yan Chiwu was her best friend; they basically did everything together. Although he was a little older than her they got along pretty well and would always cause trouble.

     One time they plucked the feathers of a huge bird and they were chased by that bird, but lost it when they reached Zhe Yan's peach forest and laughed it off. Sometimes her family thought they were dating but she always denied it because they were not into each other like that, but the older they got they didn't see each other or hang out as before.

     "Wow! You have grown taller! You even grew a bigger breast!" He said as a joke but she started to turn red and covered her chest "W-what? Do you wanna die or what?" She looked away embarrassed "Ayo! I was joking, now tell me how have you been doing? I heard you got engaged to the ice face." Fengjiu sighed " Yeah I guess so. Speaking of him... he was supposed pick me up today." Xiaoyan gasp "Pick you up? What??" She nodded "Yeah but he is not here so why not have some tea with me?" That was until she saw Migu running up to her "Your highness... Dong Hua Dijun is here for you..." She stood up immediately "What already?" She then heard a cold ice voice come behind Migu "Have you already forgotten Xiaobai?" Dong Hua was walking to them with his famous cold face that was until he saw Yan Chiwu. His face darken "Ice face? Why is he here already? You said you drink tea with me Xiaojiu!!" Dong Hua looked at him and back at Migu "Let Bai Zhi and his son know that Xiaobai will be at my Palace." He then walked over to Fengjiu and grabbed her by the wrist and left.

Tai Chen Palace

     They had arrived at the Palace and he was still dragging her by her wrist. She tried to get her hand back because it was killing her but he was holding it really tight. She finally pulled her hand out of his and fell back hitting her bottom "Oww!" She cried and he turned immediately and looked at her. She gave him the dirtiest look "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" She yelled and he didn't answer but placed his hand close so she could grab onto it but instead she hit his hand and got up herself while rubbing her bottom.

     "Sorry Xiaobai..." he whispered and she just turned to him in shock "Did you just... apologize?" And he nodded. "Aiyo forget it but um... why am I here again?" He sighed "I want you to get used to life here so you will be staying here for the time being. And we can also get to know each other while we are at it." She just nodded at his response

     "Where am I sleeping? We both know that we can't share a bed since we are not married yet." And he then took her hand and led her to a room next to his and when he opened the door she was surprised. She was really impressed with her room and she loved every bit of it. She walked around her room amazed while he followed behind and was secretly smiling to himself "Wow! A walk in the closet!" She ran over and opened the doors and her jaw dropped to the floor and turned back to him

     "Who designed the room! I love it!" She said while jumping around and giggled "I did" he said and she turned to face him to make sure he said he designed it "You did all of this? Like really?" He nodded and she gave me a smile "Thank you Dijun!" And she ran around her room. Dong Hua felt his heart beating fast and he felt himself... blushing? "Xiaobai, Xiaobai.. what are you doing to me?".

     He watch her as she ran around her room smiling and giggling like a child. "Dijun! Can we go play in the garden!" He raised an eyebrow "Play? I am to old to play Xiaobai." She turn to face him and said "Your not old." Then she realized what she said "I mean uh..." and he just laughed "Don't you know? Your Grandfather was not even married when I was the Heavenly lord!" He kept laughing at her and she gave him a mad look and walked away but before she went outside he grabbed her waist "Fine... I will play with you." And her face lid up quickly "Okay! Let's go!" She grabbed his hand a dragged him to the garden which he was surprised she knew where it was.

     She led him to the little grass field "Okay let's play... Hmm... Hide and seek!" He gave her a questioning look "Hide and seek? That sounds like a murder game? You hide while others come to kill you?" She shook her head "No! It's where someone hides and the other looks for them. And if the hider gets found then you switch roles!" She looked very serious and he assumed that she was very good at the game "Hmm I see... Can we use magic?" He honestly was still very confused with the game "NO! No magic! It's not fun when you use magic and it will make it boring! So no cheating and no magic" and that was the first time someone had talk to him like that. If it wasn't her... I think we all know what would happen. "Okay I wanna hide so you come find me! And don't cheat! Got it?!" He nodded in response "Oh wait! You have to close your eyes and count to 10 and when you do you come find me." And he nodded again and started counting.

     Fengjiu was getting excited but she was having trouble hiding so she hid behind a big oak tree and giggled while waiting for him. Zhong Li happened to pass by and saw Dong Hua standing all weird looking and was closing his eyes. Behind him stood Lian Song who was kinda scared at that moment that was untill they saw him open his eyes and started walking around "Zhong Li let's come! Let's follow the old man!" And they followed him secretly.

     They were moving quickly and quietly and stood behind a oak tree to spy on him but Lian Song tripped on something or someone and landed on top off it. "OWWW!" a lady yelled and he opened his eyes and saw a young gorgeous lady with a red birthmark on her forehead but then he felt someone staring at him and slowly turned his head and saw Dong Hua holding the Cang'he and looking at him with fire in his eyes. "Get... Off... Her... NOW!"

And So We Meet Again...(WILL BE RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now