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She gave him a two week notice. Not in writing. In her silence.

With her small smiles. And Scott went back to work because he thought he'd done his job.

So when he got home and she wasn't there he was a bit stunned.

He picked up the phone, because the kids weren't there. And she never left the kids unless she was leaving.

"Where are you, Ana?"

She stared at the hotel wall. "Hotel."

"These papers?" He picked up the envelope.


He scoffed, tossing it into the fire. "Why?"

"You know how you said marriage was a boat?"


"Well our boat has been in ruins for years. And at this point it's better to just swim alone then to try to swim while holding up a boat by yourself."

He frowned. "You can't leave me. I've already thrown those papers away. Come back home Ana."

He scoffed, starting to pace. "It's just like you though. Just silent, no call, no show, no warning. Just leaving. That's like you."

"Is it?" She strained.

"It is! You do this. Make decisions on your own. Today I want to try to kill myself. Maybe today I'll take pills. Today I'll get in the car and drive drunk-"

"You're right."

He froze. "I know. You should've talked to me. And you know me. You knew me-"

"You're right."

Scott frowned deeper. "I know. And you took the kids. How long were you planning this?"

"You're right."

"Why do you keep saying that?!"

"It's what you want to hear. Even now. Isn't it? That you're right. That I'm wrong. That I should settle for you. That you warned me. That you gave it your best."

He looked down. "I really...you know I really did. I really do. With what I have if it's limited."

"I know. You're right."

His eyes burned. "Then why did you leave?"

"If it's your best...is it your best?"

"Yes." He whispered.

She clenched her jaw. "Then...I'm sorry Scott. Because...your best isn't enough. Not for me."

He scoffed. "You..."

He clenched his jaw. "What do you what?"

"Not this. You may not understand this, Scott but...this whole thing, you coming home, made me realize something."

"What's that?"

"I think loving me...is kind of like a job for you, you know? And you do your job, and complete your tasks just well enough not to get fired. But you really just want to go home. To surgery. To what you really love. And that's fine. But I'm not like surgery. Surgery doesn't hurt when you leave it."

He closed his eyes.

"Surgery doesn't hold in tears when you leave in the middle of the night. Surgery doesn't have your kids, keep up your house. Surgery isn't a human. And I am. And being a surgeon is fine. But it's seems you can only give your heart to one thing. And right now, that thing is surgery."

He blinked. "Ana...Morgana; you have until tomorrow. If you're not home by tomorrow I'm gonna come and find you, and when I find you, and I will..."

She waited. He looked away before hanging up.

He clenched his jaw, laying down in their bed. How could she? This was not what they agreed. this is not what he had planned for them.

He picked up the phone again, dialing her number. She answered making him roll his eyes.

"I asked you. Ten years ago remember? After what we did in the yard?"

She smiled. "What did you ask me?"

"If we would be together. If we would get married that summer. And you said sure. You said yes. Why did you say yes?"

She looked over at the children who were sleeping, putting the phone closer to her mouth as she whispered.

"Oh Scott...I just hadn't really planned on being here that long," she admitted softly.

He closed his eyes, sighing softly. "Oh Ana..."

She closed her eyes as well. A sad look on her face. "I'm sorry. I thought I could...maybe fix you? Or accept you? But if loving me was a job and you know you didn't want it. Why did you even ask me to marry you?"

He sighed. "I wanted to marry you. I wanted you. I meant that. But I also knew everything would change would I became an actual surgeon."

She shrugged. "I'm sorry. But you can't have both. Not with me. But you know I...I do love you, Scott."

"I love you, Morgana." He admitted softly, as he drifted off to sleep.

Adrift (18+)Where stories live. Discover now