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Scott laid next to Ana listening to her breaths even up. He slipped out of bed quietly.

"Where are you going, Scott?" She whispered.

He froze. "I...just to go to the bathroom. Just go to back to sleep."

Scott heading into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He looked at himself.

She knew. She always knew. She knew everything.

But he couldn't help himself. It was a compulsion. It was...

He'd get caught eventually, though wouldn't he?

Scott sighed, turning off the light, opening the door.

Annika stood there, making Scott pause. "You alright?"

Annika looked down. "If...if I were talking to someone twice my age...would you be upset?"

Scott sighed. "30 years old? We're talking about a 30 year old man, taking to you?"

"Well...yeah. I mean I know you'd be upset it's just-"

Scott smiled. "You know something? When I was your age, I had a...we'll call him a boyfriend who was about 30."


Scott nodded. "Yeah. And uh...I couldn't speak. And I was 17. And when a grown man takes interest in children like that...they only want you when you're a child. Because they know that you're not experienced enough."

"And I wasn't. And he took advantage of me. And I never told anyone. "

Ana shifted, frowning.

"Would you date a elementary schooler? Someone in...5th grade?"


"Why not? They're only what? 4 years younger than you?"

"Because they're just kids that's w..."

Scott smiled. "Exactly. It's weird. And it's wrong. Because the number doesn't matter as much as...where you are in life. A fifth grader still has a 9 o'clock bed time. You're in driving classes."

Ana sniffled. "But he's so grown up."

"Then why is he talking to you? Do you think you're grown up?"

"I think I'm mature for my age."

"You are. You're smart. But that doesn't make you an adult. And he knows that. That's why he likes you. He will take advantage of you, that's his nature. He's a predator. So you know what to do."

Scott rubbed her head gently, walking by her.

"Sometimes..." Annika said suddenly.

He stopped.

"Sometimes you're like the perfect dad."

Scott smiled.

"But then...sometimes you scare me. Because I feel...like you're...I'm sorry I-"

He smirked, chuckling, he knelt down. He lifted her chin. "That's called a survival instinct. That feeling. That someone isn't quite right. Even if it's me. You keep that. And you listen to it. Because even if it's wrong. You're better safe than sorry."

He laughed. "I'm glad. I'm glad you can sense that, Annika. It'll keep you alive. Go to bed."

Scott smiled to himself, his smile falling slowly. He clenched his jaw, before looking up.

Ana stared back at him, their eyes locking in the darkness.

"You're a creep," she whispered.

He nodded. "A little."

She swallowed. "We fight."

He nodded again. "We do."

She looked away. "You're not just...I mean. Stop it, Scott."

He just shrugged. "I'm trying."

She squeezed her eyes shut tighter. He came up to her holding her hips. "You're so special, Ana. And no matter how many awards I win, or procedures I create, I'll never be special like you."

He looked away. "I don't belong here."

She swallowed, not knowing what to say. He kissed her shoulder. "I can't let you go. You know that don't you?"

She nodded. "You're a weirdo."

He chuckled. "Maybe I can't be special like you. But I can be perfect. I want to be perfect."

She turned around. "I heard you met up with Munez."

He sighed. "We just got over a fight let's not start this conversation. He's a friend. That's it. Just because I'm bi doesn't mean every man I talk to I wanna fuck-"

"You know you like him. Why do you lie, like I don't know you!"

"Ana you're making me angry! Just stop! My priority is to be a surgeon! You know that-"

"What about the kids?"

"Don't bring the kids into this!"

"What about our marriage!" She yelled, looking away. "What about our marriage," she whispered.

Scott sighed. "I refuse to be blamed for this...this failure of a marriage any more!"

"Now our marriage is a failure?!"

"Is it? Every time I come home it's a fight! About everything! What I'm doing, my job, who I talk to, when I get home-"

"I am your wife," she whispered, tears in her eyes. "But we both know that wasn't my choice."

He looked away. "You're not divorcing me. So just...spend my money and stop nagging me."

She closed my eyes. "When I...when I agreed to marry you I thought it was because...I thought you would..."

She paused. "You're right, Scott. You're always right."

He froze, looking over her. She'd never say that. He looked away.

"Right. Are you coming to bed?"

She nodded slowly, following him into bed as she laid down silently.

He closed his eyes. He'd said something he shouldn't have. But everything would be fine in the morning.

Adrift (18+)Where stories live. Discover now