Update: Tuesday, May 18th 2021

Start from the beginning


This clip on Instagram is from the body cam of an Israeli soldier where they can be seen targeting children happily, and debating over which one to kill like it's some fun game. They pick, then shoot a child and watch as the children who were playing around them gather around, some running and some trying to get to the one who was shot.


Hamza was the 14 year old boy who I talked about in yesterday's update. He committed suicide and his death brought about a lot of concern regarding the mental health of the Palestinians. The trauma they face on a daily basis leaves behind both physical and mental scars, and many share the same symptoms as war victims. PTSD, Depression, Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts are not uncommon in Palestine. In the video about Obaida, if you watched it, you'll have heard the school vocational counsellor discuss how some of the boys would react badly to some things in school due to the trauma they faced in prison as children, where they were "beaten in places that would leave no marks" so people would not be able to complain about them later. I actually found some statistics too.

 Not only that, but the Israeli forces have also fired missiles at the Ministry of Health in Gaza

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Not only that, but the Israeli forces have also fired missiles at the Ministry of Health in Gaza. They have shot down the only Covid Testing centre in Gaza and please do remember they are not vaccinating Palestinians. Israel refused to allow Palestine Covid-19 vaccinations earlier this year, despite them having no means of arranging it and Israel control their borders so they do not have any access to them. Now they cannot test people with Covid either. They also knocked down a health clinic in Gaza that treated trauma and burn wounds, thankfully no one was injured inside the clinic but people on the street were hurt.

They are now bombing homes, infrastructure, roads that lead to hospitals, public facilities and governmental compounds.

More than 17,000 Gazans are now homeless and some have taken to hiding in schools that were built by Hamas, the supposed enemy the US Media loves to talk about. The Hamas are such bad terrorists (that was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell) that they build schools for the children of Palestine who Israel robbed of their land and homes.

This is one of the types of bombs the IDF (Israeli "Defence" Forces) are using to kill people in Palestine:

This is one of the types of bombs the IDF (Israeli "Defence" Forces) are using to kill people in Palestine:

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This is a picture that really resonates:

And this gives you a brief run through and side to side comparison of the unfairness that the Palestinians are facing:

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And this gives you a brief run through and side to side comparison of the unfairness that the Palestinians are facing:

And this gives you a brief run through and side to side comparison of the unfairness that the Palestinians are facing:

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Also, Biden has approved the sending of US$ 735 million dollars worth of weapons to Israel. This is absolutely disgusting. Biden is a well known Zionist, he proudly claims to be one too, he even said, "you don't need to be a Jew to be a Zionist. I am a Zionist."

As I've said before, the people being murdered in Palestine are not just numbers. It's important to know their stories too.

Please share any other names and stories you would like me to talk about.

If people are still siding with Israel even after all the evidence they have seen, they should be so ashamed of themselves. By now, you all should be aware of what is going on and trying to get others to be aware too.

If you'd like to share anything I post, you can feel free to do so. If you want to save the pictures and send them, do it. You don't need to ask before using this. None of them are mine, but the people they belong to want us to share and spread awareness and that's the least we can do. Remember, if Israel was not feeling threatened or afraid, they would not be trying to get social media like Instagram, TikTok and Facebook to censor any Pro-Palestinian content nor would they knock down press towers in Palestine.

Free Palestine.

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