chapter two

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for the rest of the day, david couldn't get what had happened out of his head. he was planning on being productive but it was just too difficult... he wondered if he'd get any sleep that night.
he opened up his phone to look at his story pins.
...more amogus memes...
"should i tell them...?" he thought to himself. "no. at least not yet."
he put his phone down and curled up on his bed. it wasn't guaranteed, but he'd try to get some sleep.

that night he had a nightmare.
the nightmare had started off like any other day. he woke up, checked his phone, but this time it was different.
there was amogus everywhere. not just under his pins, but in his dms, his feed- everything. he couldn't escape. he felt tears well up in his eyes, and quickly tried to wipe them away.
"no... no... i can't cry.. i don't want to be like the liberals... i can't cry.." at this point he was on the verge of a breakdown. his fear of becoming a liberal combined with all the amogus on his page was too much to handle.
that is, until he showed up.
donald trump.
he had appeared right beside him. when he had put his arm on david's shoulder and told him everything was going to be okay, his nightmare quickly turned into the best dream of his life. a dream that he could only hope would someday become a reality.
but before donald could say anything else, the dream came to an abrupt end as david's alarm clock went off.
"that's how it always goes... the dream always ends at the best part..." david thought. little did he know what would await him that day.
he picked up his phone and suddenly all the memories came flooding back to him.
he had bumped into donald trump yesterday.
he didn't even look at the amogus comments. it didn't bother him anymore. he was starting a new life.
after eating his pre packaged special edition amogus-shaped pancake like usual, he headed out the door, excited to go to work and tell everyone about his new life. he had accepted who he was and he wasn't going to go back.
he felt free.
but even someone as free as david had to stop in their tracks when they saw what david saw.
donald trump was outside his door. he had been waiting.

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