"How?" he whispered, turning my hands over. "None of this makes any sense. First my magic, now not even my wretched Jotun form is functioning properly."

"What do you mean?" I asked, cocking my head. The room was slowly filling with sunlight, and the clock read 6 am.

"Your hands should be severely frost burnt. But, they aren't." I looked at my hands."but that cant be why I'm unable to use my magic." he sighed and leaned his head on my chest. "I cant..." he pushed his face further into my chest and let out a small sob. "I cant be seen like this. By anyone."

"Okay." I stroked his hair. "But what about Thor?"

"Thor knows, but I doubt he will have any solution." Loki put his arms around my waist and sighed.

"Miss Y/N." FRIDAY spoke, making me jump. "Capitain Rogers and Mr Barnes would like to know if you will be joining them for a run."

"Tell them I'll pass today." I said. "Is Thor awake?"

"I'm afraid not." I nodded, putting my hand on Loki's bare shoulder.

"Dont let me get in the way of your outing." he said quietly.

"Loki." I said, rubbing his back. "I'm not going to leave you." he looked up at me, red eyes sad. "I'm not leaving you, love." I repeated. He smiled weakly and dropped his head back on my chest.

"Thank you." Loki breathed. "For everything..."

"Miss Y/N, Thor is awake now." FRIDAY said.

"Do you want to call him in?" I asked softly. He nodded, then pushed his face into the crook of my neck. His face was cool against my skin. "FRIDAY, please tell Thor to come in here when he can."

"Yes, Miss Y/N."

~time skip~

"AC's out in the entire tower." Tony informed me, striding into the kitchen.

"That explains a lot." I told him, pouring the boiling water into two cups.

"What's up with Horns?" he asked as he searched the pantry.

"He's not feeling well." I stirred the tea bags around in and formed ice inside the cups.

"Must be serious, since he's a god and all..." Tony remarked, plucking a box of cookies off the shelf. "Tell him I hope he feels better." he added, before leaving the room.

I walked back up to my room with tea and breakfast. "Loki?" I knocked softly. "It's me." I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed, wearing black shorts and reading. I floated the tea and food over and set it on the bedside table.

I crawled on the bed and snuggled up to him, looking at the pages of the book in his hands.

"I'm trying to find out why I cant use any magic." Loki told me. I squinted at the strange runes on the pages.

~time skip 2.0~

"This says: 'Sedir may be affected by extreme changes in weather'." his finger traced the line of runes as he read.

"Has that happened before?" I questioned, meeting his eyes.

"No, but I suspect the heat is the reason." he hummed, flipping the page. "Frost Giants dont take too kindly to heat." he added.

"Well, Tony says he hopes you feel better." I said. Tony and Loki had actually became friends over time (even though neither of them would ever admit it) which surprised everyone. "He also said the entire tower's AC kicked the bucket."

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