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„Betty come down please, you have to go to school you're already late!" Ugh, I hate staying up, but my mum was right. So I stayed up, made me ready, ate my breakfast, said bye to mum and rung at Archies door. As no one opened, I rung again. „wtf where are y'all at???" I shouted. Suddenly, the door opened. „Gosh Betty you took me out of bed!" Archie said in a very sleepy voice. He stood there in underpants. I quickly covered my eyes. „ew Archie!! Why on earth are you not up??" „I forgot to put my alarm, so it's kinda helpful you woke me up, thank you!" I shook my head. „Yeah ok but how am I supposed to get to school now?" „Walk alone, I'll come soon." this little idiot dared to smirk and shut his door.

As I arrived at school, Veronica run into me. „There you are!! I've been waiting for you!" she squealed. „Archie kinda overslept. I had to walk all the way to school alone!" „Sorry b. But whatever, at least you made it here, what is our next lesson?" „Biology, but I have to take a look at the blue and gold first, will you excuse me princess Ronnie?" „Mhhhh yes. But just because it's you." she smiled.

The cute little room I got for the blue and gold, our school newspaper, belonged to my home. I sometimes sit there writing for hours, but as I walked there this day, something felt wrong. I looked around me. „What on earth" I was shocked. Some random guy, wearing a beanie sat on MY desk. „Oh hi, you Must be Betty. Mr weatherbee told me a lot about you!" the guy looked at me. „Well he hasn't told me anything about you! Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my Office??" „No need to get nasty mrs cooper! I am your new partner." „Partner?!? That can't be. I've been working alone for years, I don't need help." „Well I came here to write, and since you are already writing I decided to get here, but don't worry, I don't like you too. Oh and also, my name is jughead, in case you care"

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