Chp. 2. Truths, Trust and Tragedy

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The next day while the rangers were once again busy with their research, circuit suddenly called for them. They ran towards her to see what the matter was. “Rangers! Nadira and her cyclobots have attacked the West part of the City,” she warned.“We're on it Circuit! Let's go guys,” said Jen leaving the clocktower.

In the West part of the City, Nadira had attacked a bank. “Hahaha!” she laughed as she took the stolen cash in her hand and kissed it. Taking the bags full of cash from the hands of cyclobots she ordered, “ I want more!” The cyclobots went to bring more money. Meanwhile the rangers had reached outside the bank with their V Lancers and were setting up the plan to capture Nadira.

“Okay, here's the plan. When I give the signal, we'll force her out of the bank. And then Wes, you arrest her,” said Jen. “You got it,” replied Wes. “Come on,” said Jen. “Be careful guys,” Wes warned as Jen, Katie, Lucas and Trip went inside the bank to confront Nadira, while Wes stayed behind so that he could arrest her when she comes out of the bank.

Meanwhile, in the bank, Nadira is excited on seeing many bags full of cash.“Ohh! I love this. Big bills will do just fine,” she said and laughed wickedly, holding some bundles of notes in her hands.
“Everybody in position,” commanded Jen as the Rangers positioned themselves outside the bank. As Nadira prepares to walk out, Wes speaks through the morpher,“Standing by.” “Let's do this,” says Jen. “Right behind you,” replies Katie. “Ready?” Katie asks Trip who firmly replies, “Ready!” as they get ready to enter the bank. “Alright, go,” says Lucas, pulling open the door as Jen goes inside. Wes is about to prepare himself when he sees the Silver guardians pulling up. “These guys are gonna ruin everything,” he murmurs angrily. Eric then gets out of a van and signals the other officers to position themselves. Wes gets angry at it and tries to confront Eric.“Eric, we're in the middle of a plan. You gotta pull your team back” he says showing his disappointment.“Sorry, we got a job to do here,” says Eric coldly.

The bank door opens and Nadira walks out. “Wes, here she comes,” says Jen into Wes's morpher. “Alright,” says Wes and reaches out for the bank exit. “Nadira, freeze,” he orders, but Nadira just disappears. “Huh?” say the rangers, surprised. “What happened? You were supposed to cover this exit!” says Jen angrily. Wes tried to defend himself, saying, “Eric and the guardians did—”“Just save it! Let's go,” said Jen, cutting him off and leaving. “Guys, wait I…,” said Wes trying to explain, but it was to no avail.“Guys, come on,” he says, as the other Rangers walked past him. “Nice work, Wes,” says Eric coldly as Wes disappointedly leaves the scene.

At the clocktower, Jen is confronting Wes. “ I specifically told you to stay at the exit and you didn't,” says Jen disappointed as they lost their chance. “ I know, but you didn't see the Silver Guardians pull up,” says Wes defensively. “Wes, I did see them!” says Jen. “You did…. You saw them?” Wes questions. “Of course I did! And I was changing the plan until you decided to go ahead alone,” says Jen. “Uhh… Look…. The only way we can work as a team is if we trust each other,” she tells. “But after this morning how am I supposed to trust you!!?” she questions him. “Okay… Okay! So I stop. But you know what Jen? Trust is a two way street,” argues Wes. “Meaning what?” asks Jen. “You'll expect us to trust you to lead us. No matter what you say, we do it. But you don't trust us enough to open up, you never let anybody in. Guys, am I right?” Wes asks the others, who try to pretend they're doing some other work so as to not give any answer. Wes smirks at it. “I'm not here to open up to you, I'm here to capture Ransik,” says Jen angrily and starts to walk away from Wes. “See, see, and that's what I mean, it is all business with you Jen,” says Wes. “ Now I know you said you liked me....,” he continues as others suddenly stop and pay attention to what he says, “.....But tell me, how am I supposed to trust you, when I don't even know who you are?” he reasons. “Listen Wes, Alex trusted me with the responsibility of saving the world, and I'm here to do it!” says Jen sounding a bit hurt. “ Oohhh, so Alex trusted you…. He really did, right?..... Or is it just you who thinks like that?” questions Wes. “Wes…” whispers Trip, to stop him. But Wes cuts him off. “You know what Jen, I thought you were a great leader, but your motives and acts are all selfish! How can someone trust a person with the responsibility of saving the world knowing that person is selfish?” says Wes. “Wes, you're crossing the limits,” says Jen, tears welling up in her eyes. But she hides them, still pretending that Wes's words didn't affect her much, but deep down inside, she has been heartbroken again. “ It's not me, it's you who's crossing the limits, Jen! Now I don't even believe Alex trusted you in the first place. You are selfish and you don't let anyone know what's going on in your mind, you don't let anyone in. And that makes a member, a danger for the team. You know what I mean, right?” says Wes. But in his rage he's totally unaware of what he's spoken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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