Just... enderman things.

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TRIGGER WARNING: torture, graphic depictions of violence, derealization/dissociation, adult language (swear words).

"That day, Quackity decided to take it easier. He was satisfied with the state he had left me in, using the fucking crying obsidian. So he just untied me and left... Not after giving me a good stomp in the nuts, though."

I heard the unison of sucking air through teeth and the subsequent "ugh, ouch" that only a room-full of men, like this one, could produce when faced with that sentence.

"Yeah. After crying on the floor for a little bit, I realized that I hadn't slept at all in the past three days, so I slept for like, 18 hours straight. The only advantage of the crying obsidian is that it didn't leave a wound, and my arms, hands and thigh were starting to heal, so nothing hurt too much. That day was blessed. And it was basically the only one, except for one time where my mind just- blacked out for the entire day and I still don't know what happened, plus the Red Banquet and when Tommy and Ghostbur came to visit."

— Don't make me remember. – Tommy said, looking as if he wanted to stab me.

— Oh yeah, we have to fill you in on what happened at the Red Banquet. Actually, I have to fill all of you guys in, I was the only one there. – Technoblade mentioned, in the hopes of having Tommy calm down. Ranboo looked positively uncomfortable, and at that, I smirked behind my mask.

— You already told us, Techno. – Reminded Phil.

— Did I? Sorry, my memory gets kinda foggy after hibernating.

— Then no need to stretch it, Techno. I already know what happened there. – I said, with the slightest tilt of my head of over to Ranboo, which made him stare at me. – Uh, Ranboo.

— What? – He snapped at me without breaking "eye" contact (well, mask to eye contact).

— Could you please stop staring at me, I can't move.

— And you look to be getting aggravated. – Tubbo added as everyone looked at his husband, Phil and Technoblade even putting their hands on the hilts of their swords, worried that Ranboo might get aggressive.

— Oh, am I? – Ranboo asked, genuinely confused and averting his eyes from me. – Sorry, didn't mean to worry you guys. – The tension in the room lifted. I rolled my neck to shake away the uncomfortable feeling Ranboo leaves when he stares at you. It makes you want to run away, but also makes you unable to move. It's almost worse than an actual enderman.

"Now that that's settled, let me continue. The fifth day went over smoothly, I slept, I healed, I went over my options and revised what I knew about Quackity, which was almost nothing. I knew I couldn't just convince him to stop, he didn't fall for any deal I had suggested earlier. But I gathered that he was at least a slight bit predictable. Now that he had discovered psychological torture, and since he knew that the thing I most valued in the world was power, I couldn't predict his methods, but at least I mostly knew the sentiments they would cause.

That saved me from going batshit crazy. I mean, I still had my days, I still do sometimes, but that's the reason I'm even able to talk to you guys, not only about this, but like, at all. Quackity really didn't leave any crumbs, he milked that torture for all its worth. I think I remember like, three days after that. In the ninth day he used the crying obsidian again, and I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't tell him anything, of course, even if he left me within an inch of my life, I was determined to not lose one of only leverages."

— Well, the only one now. – I looked up at Technoblade. He shrugged, with a relieved smirk on his face.

"And so, the days after that were such a blur that I don't even remember how much time passed. And then, some day during that haze, I blacked out. I'm sure I still screamed, or at least cried, I mean, some days and didn't even have the strength to scream anymore, I just took it, it was too much to even process. But that day I didn't feel anything. And that was also before and after Quackity came. It was like I was stuck in a limbo."

Wilbur opened his mouth as to say something.

— No, not like that, I didn't see the light or anything, though that's a good guess, it was different.

"It was just black, no sound, no anything, and then, all of a sudden, I came back. But I came back way more lucid. I could still feel the nearly unbearable pain that I later discovered was due a whole week worth of torture, but I had steeled my mind. I was miraculously back, and I still don't know why, though I talked to George recently and he said he had the weirdest of dreams in the same day. Had to do with some "DreamXD" guy, or like, god? I have no idea, but George said he looked like me."

Phil and Technoblade side-eyed each other ever so slightly.

"Anyway, that was strange, but I didn't have time for it. I needed to get to work to know what I had missed."

— And that's the part where I might have somethings to say about Ranboo. – He looked at the ceiling.

— Oh how I wish I had eyelids so I could close my eyes right now and not look at you, because if I do I might just go apeshit. – Tubbo climbed out of his chair and held Ranboo, concerned. – No but like, seriously. Have you guys got some rope or something?

— We're not gonna tie you up, Ranboo. – Tubbo said, his voice muffled from burying his head on Ranboo's stomach.

— Oh, but we are. – Technoblade replied, already whipping out said rope.

— Let him do it, Tubbo, it'll be safer for everyone.

— Maybe you can also put a blindfold on him. You know, just to be safe. – I said, almost unable to contain my laughter.

— Dream, I swear to God. – Ranboo said as he inhaled deeply, clearly and desperately trying not to look at me. Technoblade sat him down on Tubbo's chair and tied him to it. – Thanks, Techno.

— Is it too tight?

— No, it's good. I'm still having trouble not looking at him, though.

— Don't worry, I'll shield your vision. – Tubbo said as he innocently climbed onto Ranboo's lap, blocking his husband's face with his head. Truly a sight to behold. Tommy snickered.

— Oh, am I-? – Tubbo audibly said before starting to whisper in Ranboo's ear as Technoblade awkwardly pulled away from the chair and back to his place beside Phil and Wilbur.

— No, you're good. – Ranboo replied.

— Now that we're safe from endermen attacks. – I said, just to spite Ranboo. I could feel him getting worked up, and my smile grew wider. – Can I continue?

— Sure. – Ranboo answered, resigned that he wouldn't be able to run from this one. Lesson 93 would be disappointed.

"So. The Red Banquet."

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