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I was born in 1981 and raised in Aurora, IL. Much of my childhood and school days are a blur. It all seemed to go by so fast. I began writing after high school. I wrote in private because I didn't think anyone would believe I was a writer. I wrote for years with little going on and carrying on with life until I had a stroke.

My focus in writing has always been sci-fi/fantasy. I wrote this one to finish up the previous one and give that story a better closure. Many, including myself, have always wanted to know what a 'future war' would be like. I know this series has not been the usual cyborg goes back in time and normal people have to stop it situations but that formula doesn't seem to work anymore. The second movie did it best I believe and the change has led to a fundamental difference in the action I can give you. I can only hope this change has been good and you can appreciate and understand this new direction.

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