13, and the ones we did lose

Beginne am Anfang

They used the device on all of them. Newt was A5, Daphne A7, Trinity A6. Janson looked around, "Where's Thomas?"

"Right here," The group turned around to see him walking towards Janson, guns pointed at him.

"Thomas." Janson smirked, sighing before he punched the boy. Trinity tried to stand up, along with Minho, but a guard forced them on the ground. "Get him in line."

Thomas kneeled next to Minho, who whispered, "Why didn't you run?"

"I'm tired of running." Thomas answered. Everyone looked up, seeing a much larger aircraft land as wind blew in their faces. Daphne's eyes widened when Ava Paige walked off the jet.

"Is this all of them?" Paige asked, looking at Janson.

"Most of them. It'll be enough." Janson promised.

"Start loading them in." Paige demanded.

"Yes, ma'am. Okay, you heard. Let's go!" Janson yelled.

An agent forced Thomas off the ground, quickly doing the same to Daphne and the other Gladers as Paige walked up to them. "Hello, Thomas. Daphne, Trinity."

"If you're expecting a greeting, you're not getting one." Trinity scoffed as Teresa walked up to the group, Paige wrapping an arm around her.

"I'm glad you're safe." Paige said.

"What the hell? Teresa? Frypan spoke first and Daphne looked at the girl confused.

"Wait, what's going on?" Newt asked, not letting go of Daphne's hand and the brunette's eyes widened, realizing what's happening.

"She's with them." Daphne guessed.

"You always were too smart for your own good." Paige told the girl.

Janson walked up to the group, "Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time."

Daphne and Newt glared at the man, as the girl moved closer to her boyfriend in fear. Newt shook his head, wrapping an arm around her, mumbling against her hair. "He's not gonna hurt you."

"I'm sorry. I had no choice," Teresa rambled and Daphne shook her head. "This is the only way—"

"You lying, little bitch!" Trinity yelled, Minho quickly grabbing her arm.

"No, I didn't have a choice—" Teresa began.

"There's always a choice." Daphne cut her off.

"Daphne, we have to find a cure." She reminded the girl. "And with your help we could—"

"What do you want? My brain or the shucking enzyme me and all the other immunes make?" Daphne questioned, shaking her head. "I'm never gonna help you."

"This is all just a means to an end," Paige tried to reason.

"People— Kids are a means to end to you?" Newt interrupted, glancing at Daphne. "Right, they do mean nothing to you."

"You used to understand that, Thomas." Paige demanded. "No matter what you think of me... I am not a monster. I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost. I just need more time."

𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭²Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt