12, the parts of us lost

Start from the beginning

"You can call me Lizzie." She shrugged, a soft smile on her face. "If you want. No one else can call me Lizzie, but you can call me Lizzie and we can get to know each other again, and you can be my brother and I can be your sister—"

"Okay." Newt smiled, nodding and the girl smiled back. "Okay, Lizzie."


Daphne rested her head on Newt's shoulder, who wrapped an arm around her whilst the two sat on a rock on a cliff that overlooked the base of the right arm. She looked at him, slipping her hand into his and squeezing it. He smiled at her, kissing her forehead softly. Next to their rock was Trinity and Minho, Frypan sitting next to them and Thomas on the other time.

"I wish Alby could've seen all this." Newt whispered, interrupting the silence of the group. Daphne nodded, smiling sadly.

"And Winston." Minho nodded.

"And Chuck." Thomas added, looking down at the small figurine in his hands.

"He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt told him and Thomas nodded.

"Hey, Aris!" Frypan yelled, waving at the boy who sat at the base below with Sonya and Harriet.

"Aris waved back, smiling, "Hey, guys!"

"I kinda like that kid." Frypan shrugged.

"Yeah. I still don't trust him, though." Minho replied.

"You should, he's the reason we even left WICKED." Trinity reminded.

"Hi Newt!" Sonya waved, making the blond boy smile.

"Hey Lizzie." Newt greeted, smiling at his sister.

"Calling her Lizzie?" Minho questioned.

"Always have." Newt mumbled and Daphne smiled.

"She looks like you, you know," Thomas told Newt, who nodded, smiling with pride. "Hey, where's Teresa?"

"She went up there." Daphne pointed and Thomas stood up, walking away from the group.

Daphne looked back at the base, her eyes landing on Madison, who stood with Mary and Vince, talking. She sighed softly, moving closer to Newt, who whispered, "You alright, darling?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "Just thinking."

"You always are." Newt smiled. "What about?"

"Before the Glade," Daphne whispered. "My parents, my biological parents, but I just— I can't remember a thing."

"You were little, love," Newt reminded. "Even of WICKED didn't take our memories, I don't think you would remember them."

"I know," She nodded. "It just bothers me—"

She was interrupted, by the sound of helicopters, making the Gladers turn to each other. Trinity spoke, "That's definitely not supposed to be happening, is it?"

"Probably not." Frypan replied and the group ran down the mountain, making their way to the base.

"Newt," Daphne called, grabbing his hand and stoping him. "The bag— My backpack, it has the picture of the baby, and the pictures of us and my notebook from the Glade—"

"Where did you put it?" Newt asked, looking around the base as people began to run around frantically, the helicopters getting closer.

"They put our stuff in that tent." Minho reminded and looked up at the sky. "Do you think it's WICKED?"

"I don't know, but I'm getting that backpack." Daphne answered, running towards the tent, the Gladers following her. They jumped when a small explosion erupted near them, and Daphne's eyes widened, running into the tent. She grabbed the backpack, looking at Newt and nodding.

"Guys, we have to find Thomas!" Frypan yelled as WICKED men landed in the base.

"Where is he?" Minho asked and the group looked at Vince and Harriet, who stood on top of car.

Madison ran over to the Gladers, handing a book and a file to Daphne, "Put this in your bag."

"Madison, what's happening?" Daphne asked.

"It's WICKED, we don't know how they found us." She shook her head before running over to Mary, who had a gun pointed at her by a guard.

"How can we help?" Minho shouted as the group ran to Harriet and Vince.

"You need to cover us!" Harriet screamed.

"Hey!" Vince shoved a gun into Minho's hands. "Do you know how to use this thing?"

Trinity grabbed a rifle and she and Minho stood in front of the truck, beginning to shoot. Harriet handed rifles to Newt, Daphne, and Frypan, "Hoping the three of you know how to use these."

"I guess we'll find out." Frypan shrugged and the three joined Minho and Trinity in front of the truck. Daphne held the rifle, holding it up and firing at a WICKED agent, shooting him.

"That wasn't too hard." Daphne shrugged.

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