Chapter 18: The Bright Star

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Once, there is a woman. An elf woman with silver hair and amethyst eyes. She is a very cheerful person.

She had a job as a chef. She is really good at it. In fact, she is a pro at it. She is also the owner of her own restaurant.

One day, the country she lived in got transported in an unexpected moment. All the people are shocked, including her.

The country got transported in the middle of the ocean.

While the people are trying to know what happened, she wonders what is the huge area of water surrounding the kingdom.

Given the name that was given from her friend, she figured out that the name of the waters is 'Ocean'.

Some people come to the edge of the continent to see the ocean. They have never saw such thing like the ocean.

A few days later, they discovered that there were creatures underwater. The elf woman is interested if the creatures are eatable. She might get them and use them as food.

The creatures have scales and fins. Their sizes are different depends on their species.

It is obvious that they are fishes. The fishermen catches some. The elf quickly bought some and try to cook them. She is very creative. And the result is very good.

One day, a customer sits on a stool. The customer sits in front of the kitchen. The kitchen is built to be seen by the customers, because the elf wants the customers to learn from her cooking skills. Someday, she hopes for a rival that compete against her with cooking.

The customer is actually her friend, Janio Aldur.

Janio: "Hello there, Emma-san!"

He greeted the elf, whose name is Emma.

Emma: "Welcome back, Janio! What are you going to order? Oh! Do you want to taste my brand new dish!? It's new and I've never serve it to anyone yet. You could be the first!"

Janio: "Sure!"

Janio is a very nice person. He is a close friend to Emma. He have a blond hair. His body height is lower than Emma. He is definitely younger than Emma, because she's an elf🗿. His body size is slim. Oh, and if you're wondering... He is human.

Emma is cooking her dish. Once she finishes, she serves Janio the dish. It was a fish steak with onion rings and some red garlic, some carrots and long beans, and a sauce under the fish.

Emma had never saw a species like that fish before. But she always makes sure that... when she cooks, it's safe and eatable.

(Author's note: I bet you're getting hungry as you are reading this...)

Janio: "Ok, Emma. Could you explain what this is?"

Emma: "It's a fish I cooked. I am very careful not to overcooked it, and not to undercooked it. And then some onions and garlic for more taste. And some sauce! I know you like vegetables so I added some carrots and long beans."

Janio: "Hmm... Then how do you cook these?"

Emma: "You should have watched me cooking!"

Janio: "Oooookay! I get it! You used Light Magic. Do you!?"

Emma: "What? That's actually not wrong! But not entirely! Just eat it! I want to know what's your opinion about this dish."

Janio tastes the fish. He bites a part of the fish, put some sauce to his mouth. It tastes a little sweet. The onion matches well with the sauce. And-

Emma: "Hey you!"

Emma calls out another chef who works with her.

Chef: "Yes, ma'am?"

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