Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    As soon as Lin Yan returned to the backyard, he shared the cakes brought out from the palace with Mother Zhao and Qiuyun. Grandma Zhao is very pleased, the young master will hurt people, and those who eat delicious food will think of their servants. She took a piece of pastry and persuaded: "Master, don't do this in the future. If you let the people in the palace see it, you might laugh at our Xiangfu people shabbyly."

    Qiuyun pouted as he ate and said, "It's only Xiangfu. It's not shabby."

    Xiangfu is not shabby, they are shabby. Since the wife moved to Zhuangzi in the name of recuperating, she has never spent a penny from the Xiangfu, and all her usual expenses depend on the wife's dowry. Although the dowry brought by the wife was generous, she couldn't stop taking medicine every day. It is inevitable that she would have to be more frugal in the usual consumption of food and clothing.

    Lin Yan broke off a small piece of cake crumbled feed small oriole eating, snack pack of handkerchiefs autumn clouds looked a little strange, get up and looked and asked: "? Master, I have not seen how this handkerchief."

    "I I bought it myself." Lin Yan grabbed it quickly and folded it into his arms.

    The little siskin finished his snack and flew out to play. After a while, I flew back and saw that there was only Lin Yan in the room. He quietly flew to Lin Yan's shoulder and said, "Xiao Shuteng, your prince seems to be injured. I think a doctor is bandaging his wounds."

    "Injured? "Lin Yan was surprised. He was fine when he came back from the palace. How could he suddenly be injured? He stood up and ran outside. Qiu Yun walked in with lunch and hurriedly said, "Master, where are you going when you have dinner?"

    "You eat first, and I'll be right back." Lin Yan said, people are already running away quickly. Child.

    "Little oriole, which way to go?" Lin Yan didn't know where Rong Yuan was, ran out of the yard where they lived, and asked the little oriole.

    The little oriole flapped its wings to show him the way, "Here."

    Lin Yan followed the little oriole to the gate of Rongyuan's study. He wanted to go in, but the guard at the gate stopped him, "There is no order from the prince, any No one can go in."

    Lin Yan anxiously walked back along the wall, stopped for a while, and looked at the wall next to it. The wall is not high, it is covered with green vines, and it has climbed to the top of the wall. Lin Yan turned his head and looked around again. The guards just now couldn't see here, and no one passed by.     Lin Yan rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand to touch the vines on the wall. With a slight movement of thought, the vines began to entangle and grow. After a short while, they entangled and grew a pair of green vines. Reached out and tugged, it was quite strong.     "Little siskin, help me look at people." With a urge to little siskin, Lin Yan rolled up his sleeves, grabbed his mouth, and started to climb up.     I climbed to the top of the wall in twos or twos. The study was right next to the wall. Unfortunately, a tree in front of the study blocked his vision and couldn't see the scene in the study clearly.     Lin Yan lay on the top of the wall, moving around trying to find a clear angle. Who wanted to move too much, didn't lie down firmly, and fell from the wall.     He planted too suddenly and too fast, and he had no time to react, so he could only close his eyes and wait for the pain to hit.     Suddenly the speed of falling slowed suddenly, the back of his clothes seemed to be caught by something. He opened his eyes cautiously. What caught his eyes was a jade belt, and upwards was a broad chest wrapped in black robes, and then upwards It was Rong Yuan's expressionless face.     "What are you doing?" Rong Yuan asked, holding his back collar with one hand, looking at him with a deep gaze.     "I..." Lin Yan was happy when he saw him, struggling to move, but he was hung in the air. As soon as he was struggling, he started to circle, he hugged the waist of the person in front of him hurriedly.     Rong Yuan suddenly stiffened and gritted his teeth and said, "Let go."     Lin Yan was afraid of letting go, and then started spinning again, hugging his waist tightly, burying his head on his chest and screaming, "Don't carry me first."     Rong Yuan With a calm face, Lin Yan let go of his back collar, and Lin Yan let go of him embarrassedly. He raised his head and said, "Thank you."     "What are you doing on the wall?" Rong Yuan asked with a calm face.     "...Come to return your handkerchief, the guards will not let me in through the door." Lin Yan anxiously took out the handkerchief he gave him from his arms and handed it to him.

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