Chapters 18-23

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Chapter 18

He grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her so fiercely it threw her off balance and she stumbled backwards into the wall.

He grabbed her behind her thighs and lifted her up to his waist, pinning her against the wall so tightly she was nearly breathless.  Alex wrapped her legs around him to steady herself to his kiss. He could feel her hot wetness against his skin, her arousal heightening his own. Marcus had longed to feel every glorious inch of her. She held onto the back of his neck, letting the soft hairs caress her skin.  He buried his head into her neck, his kisses burning into her skin.  

She leaned forward and kissed his earlobe, flicking the edge with her tongue.  He moaned into her hair.  

He had to possess every inch of her, to claim her completely for himself.

He swung her off the wall and wrapped his arm more securely at her waist. She tightened her legs around him as he strode directly to the bedroom, taking a few deep breaths to recover from the onslaught of passion he unleashed. The desire she felt earlier had ignited into a full-blown explosion.  

He placed her gently on the bed and positioned himself above her.

"This towel has got to go." He slowly untucked the edge of the towel and unwrapped her like the greatest present ever. The cool air hit her skin and sent a small shiver up her spine. Marcus sucked in a sharp breath. Alex was exquisite, every inch of her was enticing, screaming to be touched and worshipped.

As much as he wanted to bury himself inside her immediately, he didn't want to overwhelm her after what she said earlier. He wanted them both to enjoy every moment.

The room was bathed in a silvery luminescence from the moon, and it gave everything an ethereal quality.   The shadows outlined every ripple in his muscles, each one more divine than the last. Alex was in heaven, but greedy to see more.

Propped up on her elbow, Alex kissed Marcus softly. She ran her fingertips from his chest down to his waistband, gently fingering the fabric’s edge. "You have on way too much clothing."  She brought her hand back to his cheek, knowing it had to come from him, that Marcus was ready.

He hesitated for a second, "You are completely right," he deftly shed his pants and tossed them aside. The sight of his naked form was glorious, and she didn't even try to conceal her excitement.

Alex came to meet him kneeling in the middle of the bed. Marcus pulled her close; he needed to feel her skin on his, to feel the heat radiating between them.  She ran her hands down his chest to his waist thrilled at the freedom to explore without limits.

Marcus buried himself in her neck and kissed his way up to reclaim her swollen luscious lips and felt her nipples peak and harden against his bare skin.

Even feeling Alex’s breasts pressed against his chest and admiring them in her bathing suit, Marcus wasn't prepared for the vision before him.  They were beyond perfection. Marcus ran his hands up her sides and cupped both breasts in his hands letting her nipples catch between his fingers.  Alex’s head lolled back thrusting the supple flesh deeper into his palms. A moan escaped her lips as he squeezed tightly and rolled his thumbs against the taut nipples sending ripples of heat surging across her skin. Marcus brought one breast to his lips and exhaled a warm breath sending every nerve tingling before taking the rosy pink bud in his mouth, traced its edge with his tongue.  Switching to the other side he languished equal attention sucking and tantalizing Alex into a frenzy.

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