~ Chapter 20: Freed.. ~

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"The void seems a lot..bigger than I remember. It's like it expanded as soon as I hit the level to make things more difficult."

"How were you ever able to fly in here?-"

You hold Senpai's hand tightly, and the two of you keep moving.

"Chara-chan, where are we going again?"

"We're going to the real world."

"Oh- so the world we were in..wasn't real?"

Yakuwari has an existential crisis for about 5 minutes before coming to his senses.

"I don't get it- where has it moved to?"

You look through the endless glitches, and notice the world behind you slowly beginning to crumble into pieces. NPCs falling into the abyss, buildings crashing down and fading into nothing, The school you'd been going to breaking down slowly.

"I can't believe all of this is finally happening, Y/N."

"Me too, Sen..me too."



"You're not so bad, actually. I think I could get to know you..just don't be so clingy, got it?"

"Really?!- This is great!"

You smile at the two of them, and notice that the breaking is getting faster. 

"We need to hurry- we can't get lost in the void or else the game's going to start over-"

"I will try to help guide you as much as I can."

"Ah- Spirit! You're in your physical form!"

"Naturally. I need to be in this shape in order to lead you properly."

It floats ahead, and you follow it with the others. 

"Why did the void get so big?"

"It is the game's way of..tormenting you until you somehow find the exit, making you assume that all hope is lost."

"So it's trying to make us give up, huh?.."

"That bastard probably altered it."

You check your phone.

<--- Cherry, you still with us?
---> Yep! I can see you! The game world won't even load now. We're outside the TV right now- I wonder what's going on..the void's so big-

"Can you deliver a message for me to her?"

"What is it, Sen?"

"Tell her that as soon as everyone's out of the game and okay, to smash the game console."


"I'm serious- we can't get put back in there."


<---Senpai says that once we're all out he wants you to destroy the game console so we won't get sucked back into it.
---> Destroy it? Oh wow- okay, I'll do my best to.
<--- Thanks, Cherry. Also- you can't let your dad see that we're escaping- so can you shut the door to your room?
---> Sure thing! I'll do it now.

You assume since she hasn't responded yet she's going to do that, and continue exploring the void with the others, trying to find the fated glitch.

"Look, there's the library one! It can't be that far."

"Perhaps, but I would not get your hopes up so soon. We don't know what sort of optical illusions are here."

&quot;Freed..&quot; A Senpai(FNF) x Gender-Neutral Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now