2~Jealousy and Rage

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<< Arriving at the hospital >>

Aobas POV:

With worry,fear,and panic, Noiz and I step into the hospital. Immediately, we're greeted by Koujaku and my brother Sei.

"Is everything alright? What happened with granny?" I ask in anticipation. Noiz stands behind me with his arms crossed and his sight focused on his shoes. I figure he's feeling pretty awkward due to the past with all of us. Last time he saw Koujaku and and Sei was when they were helping me defeat Toue and the alphas, along with Morphine. Back when Koujaku had a crush on me but I denied him...for Noiz. But I try to not think about the past because my grandmother is the main focus right now.

"She...she had a heart attack but-"

"SHE WHAT?! OH MY GOD. I HAVE TO GO SEE HER!" I yell, interrupting the man in front of me. I've never been so worried in my life. Granny is the most important person in my life besides my boyfriend. She's the only family I have memoires of. She's always taken care of me and I don't know what I'd do if I were to lose her.

"No, let me finish. She had a heart attack but the doctors said she's fine. She'll just need to remain on bed rest here at the hospital for a while. She's okay Aoba." Koujaku explains.

"Oh, thank God." I say in relief. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I'm thankful to hear such good news.

An awkward silence between us fills the room and we all just stand in the middle of the waiting room pretending that nobody else is around but our own selves.

"...So. You and Noiz are officially thing,huh?" Sei ask unexpectedly in his newly deepened voice that once belonged to the allmate I was close with. I'd expect this question to come from Koujaku, not my twin brother.

"Yep,we are... It's official." I reply, nodding my head slowly. "Um,I might move to Germany with him next month too." I add, which I then immediately regret.

"Excuse me?! You're moving to Germany with...him?"Said an angry Koujaku, adding to the conversation.

" Yeah,he is. Is there some type of problem? " Noiz chimes in, annoyed. I look at Sei who happens to be sharing the same facial expression as me. That 'Oh God, what did I just do?' type face.

"Guys, please. We're not doing this right now. Can we all just calm down?" I interrupt. I'm not in the mood to deal with Koujaku's jealousy and Noiz's rage. Before either of the boys can answer, a doctor calls out-

"Family of Tae Seragaki?"

We all look up. "Tae will be just fine. Our visiting hours are over but you're welcome to visit tomorrow." Said a female nurse with blonde hair and a soft voice. "Thank you." I tell her and look at Noiz. He staring directly at Koujack, giving him a deathly look. I pull him aside from everyone else.

"Noiz, please. Don't let him get to you, okay? He's not trying to piss you off, he just wants the best for me. He's like an over-protective older brother. So I need you to calm down, okay?" I say in my sweetest voice then peck him on the lips. He smiles at me and gives me a full kiss back. Together, we walk back to everyone else.

"Well, uh. I'll see you all tomorrow?" I ask. Koujaku just nods his head and looks away. Hoping he's not mad at me, I pull him for a short friendly hug. I can feel his negative tension lower as he hugs me back. When we let go, his face is back to its usual happy self. I then hug my brother before grabbing Noiz's hand to leave.

We all exit the hospital together, then go our separate ways.

• • •


∆ Wow, thank you all for the amazing feedback!! I really appreciate it 💜 I would've updated sooner but my wifi is out and I hate using my phone to update. But, the wifi is coming back this Wednesday (yayy) Anyway, please continue to leave comments and click that star button ⭐ for me. Sorry this chapter was so short >.<

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