- How it Actually All Started -

Start from the beginning

"Humannn? Helloo? Aren't you going to give a stupid comeback?" Zim walked up to Dib, waving his hand in front of his face. Dib snapped back to reality, and immediately pushed Zim's hand away from his face.

"Did you put something in that chocolate milk, Zim?" Dib asked in a serious tone.

"Uh, no.. I just took it from the school cafeteria." Zim rolled his eyes, and sat back down on to the couch. He didn't want to do anything, but maybe watch some T.V. Today is perhaps a lazy day for him. Dib watched Zim as he sat down on the couch and start to watch T.V. He was still confused, and he was confused as to why he was still confused!

"What're you still doing in my house? Get out!" Zim called out, looking back to the Dib who was staring at him still.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP STARING AT ME!!?" Zim finally asked. This was seriously getting on his nerves. All Dib did about his yelling was just a face telling Zim to basically shut up, because he's trying to figure out what's wrong.

"I will find out what you did to me, Zim. And it'll be easy! Just watch me!" Dib told Zim before exiting his house, and stomping away. Zim sat still on the couch, not having a clue what Dib was talking about. He scoffed after he watched Dib stomp away, slouching into the couch after. That boy is crazy.


It was the next day. And it was another day at the lovely building so called "Skool". Dib had made a list on what to do to try and test to see what Zim had done to him. He swore that Zim had put something into that chocolate milk, but he just doesn't know how it's affecting him when it just spilled all over his hands.

"Oh! I bet you he made himself immune to me, that's why my heart started racing.."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, nor' what you're saying." Gaz said as she played her game. She was sitting next to Dib during morning courtyard. Dib was writing some extra things in a notepad about Zim's evil chocolate milk.

"I will figure this out, and it won't take long. Just you wait, Zim.." Dib said before he stood up to finally initiate his plan.

Cue the cool montage music ~ Now in Dibs P.O.V.

1: Speak to Zim

Should be easy enough. I've done this multiple times, along with argue, and yell at him. Pfft.. What part of my brain came up with this? Whatever. I'm still gonna do it, it could help with whatever I'm trying to figure out.

I walked up to Zim, feeling confident as I know I was gonna ruin his plan once again by most likely tomorrow. But then all of a sudden my heart started to race again. For absolutely NO REASON! Zim turned around and looked at me. He was just looking at some football a kid threw over to him by accident. He threw it behind him, hitting the kid in the face who had a smile on it, with his arms wide open waiting for Zim to throw it back to him. Yeah. That kid fell down and passed out somehow.

"H-hey Zim! What are YOU doing here?" Oh my god...

"...What the..? Did you turn even more stupid, or something?" Zim looked at me like what I just said was stupid. Which it was. I have no clue why I asked that, or why I even stuttered. WAIT A SECOND!

"AHA! So THAT'S what you did to me!" I laughed and pointed to Zim. He was still looking at me like I was an idiot. I bet he's just nervous and upset I finally found his dirty little secret in just a minute!

"WhAAt are you tAAlking about?? Leave me be!" Zim crossed his arms and turned away. He looked over to the kid who was still passed out on the ground.

I don't understand.. Maybe he's just trying to fool me so I think that he thinks that what I think is completely wrong, and not at all his plan. If that's what it is, then he's not gonna fool me.

What's Wrong With Me? - ZADR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now