a little re-awakening

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A/n : no i'm not dead T_T i swear

A few week after you came to the pizarra you were a big hit and the Animatronics started to blush when you were aroud. Hope started working as a night guard there but something feels strange it almost feel if Someone is watching you...

Hello there! Please don't freak out... ok you look like your about to freak out

1. Say "how the hell are you!?" And look like you're crazy to people around you

2. Stay silent

3. Walk to your room and talk to this person in your head

If you picked answer....


"How the hell are you!?" Then one of the night guards looked at you and screamed


"..." 'if you're going to be like that then atlest try to write something to communicate with or something damn!'

You walked to your room behide your stage and begain to talk to this person

It doesn't matter what you picked either way a person was standing afront of you with a persent in there hands, you couldn't make out a clear veiw of there face or even tell what gender they were until you started to blackout.

λιρέτα's pov

χαρούμενα γενέθλια μεγάλη αδερφή!" γύρισα για να δω τη μικρή μου αδερφή Μαρία, χαμογέλασα "ευχαριστώ Μαρία σημαίνει πολλά για μένα, πες πως θα πάμε στο pizzería μετά το πάρτι;" χαμογέλασε, κανείς δεν μπορούσε να της πει ούτε καν μέσω του, που μισούσε όλους που γνώρισε. "σίγουρος!" είπε με χαρούμενο τόνο, τη φίλησε στο μέτωπό της που την έκανε να γελάει ω πώς θα μου λείπει τα μικρά της γέλια μετά το πάρτι¿ secod πρόσωπο pov το αίμα ήταν κάθε ένα ακόμη και το κοστούμι στο οποίο ο άντρας γέμισε. άρχισε να κινείται μέχρι να ξαναζήσω ότι δεν υπήρχε μόνο ένα σώμα εκεί που υπήρχε δύο ... η Μαρία και η άλλη ο εραστής της .... πήρε το κοστούμι που δεν με νοιάζει αν έρθει αίμα στα ρούχα της, όταν έφτασε στο σπίτι, ξεκίνησε προσπαθώντας να ξεσπάσει την αδερφή και τον εραστή της, αλλά τους έφερε μόνο πόνο. 'Παρακαλώ σταματήστε! πονάει! "μίλησε που την έκανε να σταματήσει στη θέση της" πώς είσαι ακόμη; "ρώτησε το μόνο πράγμα που μπορούσε να πει είναι" ελπίζω, ελπίζω αυγή "το ρομπότ φαινόταν πιο ήρεμο τώρα" ξέρετε το όνομά μου ; Πραγματικά δεν ξέρω τη δική μου "αν και για ένα μικρό λάκκο μέχρι που είπε" y / n το όνομά σου είναι y / n".

Second person pov

You when you awaken again you relised what the persent was....your past that you now little about you didn't even remmber that day you meet hope but now you remmbered.

Well that was a re-awakening itself........ i wonder what you would have for dinner this time.

Translate: "happy birthday big sister!" i turned to see my little sister mary, i smiled "thank you Mary it means a lot to me, say how about we go to the pizzería after the party?" she smiled, no one could say no to her not even via, who hated everyone she met. "sure!" she said in a happy tone, kissed her forhead wich made her giggle

oh how i would miss her little laughs

?after the party¿

secod person pov

blood was every were even the suit were the man stuffed mary in to. it started to move until i relised there weren't just one body there there was two...one mary and the other her lover....

she picked the suit up not caring if blood got on her clothing, when she got home she started by trying to break out her sister and lover but she was only cusing pain to them. 'please stop! it hurts!" it talked wich made her stop in her place "how even are you?" it asked the only thing she could say is "i'm hope, hope dawn" the robot looked more calmer now "do you know my name? i really don't know mine" she though for a little bit until she said "y/n your name is y/n"

A/n: lets pretant that the rewrite one never happened ok? and this is that lest i could do for a chapter, till Next time

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