episode 1: Greenhorne

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Sara Chidouin the great sage was walking around after fulfilling her great sage stuff. She was thinking about stuff when suddenly her stomach grumbled very loudly. Sara was panicked because she needed to vore someone immediately, or she would lose her great sage powera. Lickily she saw a village close by, and she went to it immediately :) then she went up to a child and realized that it had no face. A lot of the villagers had no faces actually. So Sara engulfed the little boy, but his mother was there.
Kids mom: What are you doing stop
Sara *voring*: *slump slurp slurp slurp* I'm sorry ma'am your child is mighty tasty
Kids mom: *is crying* you are ateing my child
Sara: well thanks for providing me with this tasty meal don't worry your child is alive
Kids mom: k

Sara vored the poeple that had no faces as the townsfolk screamed at her in terror. Sara was walking away from the village when she felt a sense of power. She turned around and saw a warrior confused, he had all of the villagers faces floating behind him looking for their bodys. Sara ran away quickly with all of the body's jiggling inside of her stomach. She then processed their power and shat tgem out.

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