Chapter 32: Good Shepherds' Church

Start from the beginning

"You're buying a ring?" Moiya asked as they all approached the table.

"Yes, I think this one will do." Soraya picked up the silver band she had been studying while in line and looked it over. It was simple and shiny, the symbol with a circle running through each corner of a triangle was etched deeply into the silver. "It's the same design as the one carved into the tree, so I have to get it."

"That'll be fifteen Lari," the elderly woman behind the table stated aloud.

Soraya dug out her Dragulji card from her dress pocket and was about to hand it to her, but looked over at her friends instead. "Did you all want anything?"

"Thanks, but you don't have to do that," Rhys replied sheepishly.

"Let her buy us something if she wants," Ujuu lightly shoved his twin, then winked at Soraya. "We'll spoil you back later."

"But, you three always spoil me," Soraya smiled. "Please, let me return the favor," she glanced down at the four golden rings. "Would you, Rhys, Moiya and Zaruna like those?"

"That's super sweet of you, but I should be the one to buy a gift for my girl," Ujuu laughed.

"But I want to get her something too!" Soraya insisted.

As Ujuu's hands slowly reached over towards the rings to inspect them, the elderly lady's gaze grew cold. "Filthy animals shouldn't touch holy relics," she muttered under her breath, causing all four friends to freeze in place.

"W-why would you say that?" Soraya gasped. "That's so horrible!"

"Shadelkins have a different religion," the elderly woman growled. "Especially ones from Casmerah," she glared at the twins with her icy blue gaze. "You insult our Gods with your presence, you shouldn't be here."

Rhys' expression went rigid, while Ujuu gaped at her.

"I thought the Gods created everyone, and we all come from the same lineage," Moiya stated through gritted teeth. "What happened to loving thy neighbor as thyself?"

"There are exceptions to every rule," the woman spat.

"Prunella, what is going on?" Pastor Vern asked as he suddenly appeared next to the table.

"We're apparently not welcome here," Rhys said while grabbing his brother's wrist. "We filthy animals were asked to leave."

The priest's eyes narrowed, and he glared furiously at the elderly woman. "I believe you owe these two an apology," he said while folding his arms across his chest. His skin was a deep, rich brown like a bear's fur. Although he towered over all of them, he remained calm and composed.

"I said no such thing," Prunella replied in a defensive tone. "They were about to steal these rings here, so I told them to leave."

Soraya's blood boiled at the blatant lie. "I asked them to pick out something because I wanted to buy gifts," she said while holding up her Dragulji card before glaring at Prunella. "Ma'am, you're evil for lying about my friends."

Before the elderly woman could reply, the priest chimed in. "Prunella, you've been wreaking havoc for quite awhile, but this is the final straw. You need to leave," Pastor Vern lifted a hand and pointed at the front door of the church. "You have sinned grievously against these two young men, and you continue to dig in and act as if you haven't, and within the house of the Gods no less."

The surrounding chatter quieted as everyone turned their attention towards the table.

"You can't treat me like this!" Prunella snapped. "I've been a member of this church for twenty years!"

The Chronicles of Soraya Thenayu: Darkwood AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now