take me into your loving arms - 4/4

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Harry lets out a surprised squeak when Louis immediately grants him another finger, quickening the pace of his fingers as he fucks them in and out of Harry's tight hole. He's usually not so generous.

The slick squelching sound of the lube and Louis' fingers are obscene, amplified and echoing throughout the room. Louis spares a thought for their neighbors as Harry lets out a few strained uh uh uh's before he latches on to the skin of Louis' neck, something that he says helps to ground him.

His cock has rapidly filled up against his bare thigh, teasingly brushing Louis' abdomen as he rocks forward with every thrust. Louis bends forward and nips at Harry's earlobe, whispering dirty obscenities that he knows gets Harry close.

"You know what I think got you excited in the shower? Thinking about all the eyes that'll be on you tonight." Harry moans loudly, head thrashing back and forth like he doesn't know what to do with himself. Louis prides himself in flustering Harry, whether it be a bit of light teasing during an interview or heavy humiliation in the bedroom. It's one of his greatest gifts, though he doubts any magazine quiz asking him what his hidden talents are would appreciate that as an answer.

"I think you got hard thinking about how everyone will see you onstage, all dressed up and well-fucked. The band might win an award or two, but you know everyone will be watching you." Harry mewls impatiently and yanks harshly at one of his swollen nipples. Louis guesses he was already playing with them in the shower since they're already so puffy.

"Just want – nngh, fuck – just want you looking at me," Harry whines. He's always so shamelessly honest during sex. Louis' about to reply when Harry clutches tightly at his shoulders and squeezes his eyes shut. "Louis, I'm gonna, oh- "

Just like that, Louis' takes his fingers out and grabs tight at the base of Harry's cock, preventing him from coming. "What the fuck," Harry spits out, snapping his eyes open. His cock twitches violently in the older boy's tight grasp. Louis can't help but laugh; Harry turns into a growly baby bear when he doesn't get what he wants.

"Would you look at the time! The car will be here to pick us up in an hour and I'm not even showered!" Louis releases his grip on Harry's cock and gives him a slap on the balls before he rolls off the bed and waltzes towards the shower, leaving the younger boy doubled over and wheezing on the bed.

"Don't go finishing yourself off now, got it? That's my job." Louis blows him a kiss and cackles at the pout on Harry's face before he closes the door.


Later that evening, after Louis came out of the shower and was bombarded with pillows thrown at him by Harry, after all the boys laughed at Harry when they saw his flushed, frustrated face, after they fought through a sea of fans begging for autographs, they're finally in their seats. They're sat at a table close to the stage with a good view of all the artists accepting the awards, a perk of being part of One Direction.

Louis is too polite to say it aloud, but the evening's been quite boring, if he's honest. After their sick performance of their charity single, it's turned into a bit of a drag. He's spent a majority of the evening plotting ways to make Harry an absolute mess when they get back home. It's proven to be a much more efficient use of his time. He's spent the last ten minutes considering pulling out the nipple clamps or maybe tying Harry to the bedposts. This is assuming that Harry will even make it home before he's ready to burst, Louis muses.

Harry's been shifty all evening, a result of staving off his earlier orgasm. Louis can tell he's trying to distract himself by drinking too much champagne, however, Louis also knows what happened the last time he drank too much, so he's keeping a close eye on him.

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