part 1

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I walked into my morning class and sat at my desk. I laid my head down on the desk because I was still very sleepy. I got little to no sleep last night because I was up all night trying to finish a project for another class.

"A person that's failing my class right now shouldn't have their head down. "My professor blurted out. Luckily there wasn't many people in the classroom yet especially the bullies.

I got bullied on the daily for no apparent reason. I just think that the girls are jealous of me and the guys want to fuck me. I'm not ugly nor dumb. I'm not rich but I'm also not poor. For the most part I ignore them and just do my work.

I was a freshman in college and boy was these classes kicking my ass. I was getting my degree in history so that I can be a history teacher. Even though I was just getting started, I wanted to quit but quiting wasn't an option. Unlike everyone else I didn't have a support system. I had no family or friends. I went home to only my pet fish everyday. No boyfriend or anyone. I had to be proud of myself because no one was proud of me.

Anyways, I picked my head up and rolled my eyes. She was staring right at me with a devilish smirk on her face. I wasn't even failing her class that bad. I had a high D and I'd have that at an A once I turn in my missing assignments.

The bell rung and everybody came rushing into class including a new student. I watched as he made his way over to my area. He sat down in the seat next to me.

"You can stop watching me now. "He said then the students behind us started laughing.

I cleared my throat then apologized. He was just so damn fine from head to toe. His skin was a smooth caramel color which his tattoos showed so well on. His hair was locced in some very neat shoulder length dread twists that were brown at the tips. He stood at about six foot four. Just fine! God knew what he was doing when he made him.

"Alright class so today we're going to be going over the basics of your project. For this project, I will be pairing you with a partner of my choice and trust me, it's not going to be your friends. "The professor explained.

The kids in the back started acting out. They were trying to throw a paper ball at me but they missed and it hit the new boy.

"Throw something else at me and imma beat the fuck out of every last one of yall back there. "He snapped at them. I started laughing and they got even more pissed.

"Jayece what the fuck is funny. I'll come up there and smack the fuck out of you. "One of the guys said.

"Come do it then. "The new boy said. The other guy didn't say another word.

Did he just defend me? Husband material already.

The professor finished explaining our project to us. She paired me and the new guy together because no one else wanted to work with me. I'm so fucking happy. His name was Denzel.

We exchanged numbers then the bell rung for us to leave class. We all headed out then as I was walking up the hall, the guy from earlier came up and pushed me into the lockers. My head banged real hard against it making a sound effect. His group of friends crowded around us.

Mines ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora