Please dont go..

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You had decided to stay with Wilbur another night mainly because you weren't ready to say goodbye, it's like he was your safe place mainly because you'd never be put in harms way with him.

You guys decided to stay in the hotel that day and just have a chill day, it had been a long time since you had a chill day, you were happy you were spending it with Wilbur.

You were in his arms just listening to sad/slowed songs, they were the ones you'd see in the movies that just fit with life especially at that moment it fit quite well matter a fact.

Wilbur: Thank you for staying another day I don't think I would be ready to say goodbye today, I don't think I'll ever be ready.

Y/n: I'll only be gone for a day or so and besides I've been having a good time with you, yes I've cried a few times but you never left when I needed you.

Wilbur: you deserve the world Y/n, you deserve happiness...

He was right you did and you knew who that was with or so you thought you did.

Y/n: let's not focus on the future right now okay let's just focus on us and us only okay?

Wilbur: I can do that

He had pulled you closer to him even though you were right next to him I guess he just wanted to feel loved before you went to Dreams room.

The truth is you both could get lost in each other's presence, you could drift into each other's love and be completely okay with that.

You didn't want to leave him it was like every bone in your body was telling you to stay but you would feel bad if you didn't give Dream a chance.

It's not like you had picked Dream or Wilbur but you really didn't want your time with Wilbur to end because if it ended there's always a chance you wouldn't get that back and that hurt you so much the fact of Wilbur not being in your life hurt you more than anything.

When you were with Wilbur it was like the void in your life had finally been filled and that's the love you craved that's the love you dreamed about on most nights it's the love you were destined to have but all good things come to an end right? But the thing is which one do you end.....



Y/n: these past few months have been the best months of my life, you are my safe space you are my person Wil and I never wanna lose that so please promise me that no matter what it's always gonna be me and you, promise me that if I screw up you aren't gonna leave me like everyone else. Promise me you'll stay.....please

Wilbur held you tighter and started to play with your hair "I'm not gonna leave you I want what's best for you even tho I might not be what's best for you"

You could hear him struggling not to cry and that pained you.

You had sat up and faced him wiping his tears "it's okay Wil it'll work out just like you said everything always works out"

Wilbur: I know, it's just when I'm with you I'm the person everyone wished I was, when I'm with you I finally love myself. I see myself the way other people see me I feel at home when I'm with you and I really can't loose that.

"I love you Wil, it's us against the world"

"Us against the world"

"Us against the world"

                            To be continued

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