Shes really is easy to please.

Inside the restaurant, Kun had already reserved a private room for them to have a peaceful night away from the crowd.

Kun ordered everything that he knows Yuxin likes.

Yuxin had been avoiding the spicy foods since last week because of her schedule.

The fact that its whats infront of her right now made Yuxin wanna cry.

Kun might have not notice but Yuxin actually appreciate all his efforts.

She knows that though Kun likes chinese cuisine but his tastebuds is into more american.

The thought that he choose this place and her favorite foods made Yuxin remember the times when everything was still fine.

With the thought in mind Yuxin heart fluttered.

Its not actually this time that she felt this.

She remembered when the president ask her about what she really thinks about this set up.

The president told her that it was actually Kuns idea to ask her real opinion.

His simple bribing and other things he do when they are together. She appreciates them.

She appreciates him, though she still does not know why Kun is doing all of this.

She appreciate how Kun is trying his best to be closer to her even though he doesnt have to.

After all their just doing this for a contract.

But as what Kun have said.

They are partners.

Sighing Yuxin finally gave up.

After eating, Kun asked Yuxin if she wants to walk first, just to digest their food in which Yuxin gladly said yes.

While walking, Yuxin paused when Kun gently placed their holding hands inside his coat.

The fact that theyd been walking for almost 30 minutes and Yuxin just found out shes holding Kuns hands make her skin shiver.

Shes being used to Kuns presence and actions more than she could hope for.

She realized that it felt so natural and its scary.

But what scared her more was the thought that instead of removing her hands from Kuns she let it be.




"When are we going home?"

"Shhhh just 5 more minutes its still cold"

"Aiyaa thats why lets go back its much warmer inside the car and its your third time saying 5 minutes more" whine Yuxin as Kun tightens his arms around her.

"But your warmer and smells nicer than the car." Answered Kun as he continue to sniff Yuxin's hair.

He read a lot of times in the weibo that his wife smells good according to some passerby.

Kun remembered those times when he felt jealous of those people who get to smell her.

Now look whose smelling who and even gets to hug her.

They used to come to this place before though they had to come in secrets with disguise on now Kun can even hug Yuxin thight with no care if anyone will see them.

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