new world

2 0 0

Y/n's pov:

"Cam when are we gonna stop and rest?" I groaned

"When I feel like we should." Cam shrugged as she picked up her speed up the mountain.

"ok" I sighed

I turn around to see what Bailey is doing and he is having a whole argument with himself, it's kinda funny. He has a personality disorder so he has different voices for his personality's.

"Hey, Bailey, Y/N hurry up! The view is amazing!" Cam yelled down to the two.

Me and Bailey ran over , "Wow" I say, enjoying the view with the siblings.

We hear a snap behind us, "Stay where you are and turn around" A voice spoke.

We do as the person says but when we turn around we see two younger kids that looked about around 17, they were tall.

"Careful you might hurt yourself with that sword of yours" Bailey's person mocked with a deeper voice, Indicating Bailey was now a different personality.

Bailey has 2 different personality's, This one is Karma. You can tell it's Karma when Bailey's voice is deeper.

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DUMB ASS" The blonde kid yelled pointing his sword at Bailey, Or rather, Karma.

"Hey! Don't talk to him like that! He's sensitive!" Cam yelled at the blonde, standing infront of Karma protectively.

"Yeah! I am sensitive!" Karma yelled sticking up his middle finger at the blonde.

"Shut the hell up! Who even are you?!" The blonde yelled at them.

"I am y/n and the other girl is Cam and the boy behind her is Bailey" I explained to the two boys.

"I must apologize about Bailey, he has a personality disorder. And the deep voice you heard is one of his personalitys." I added

"Oh umm, It's okay. But I hope you know we have to take you now for trespassing." The brunette boy explained, Lightly swinging his sword.

Cam stared at the boy with a wobbly goofy smile, "And do not treat us like kids either!" The blonde added looking at Cam.

"Again, I am so sorry." I apologized as they took us away

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