The raid

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Readers pov:

I woke up to my friend shaking me,
"y/n wake up we have to leave now" my friend Bailey calmly said to me. His sister Cam was watching the door, "W-whats happening?" I asked, the two both seeing I was clearly confused.

"Raiders" they both said, I get up and run to the door where Cam stood.

"We need to leave now" Cam commented in a serious tone.

"Agreed" Me and Bailey said after looking at each other.

"Ok, I am going to count down, Once I get to three we all head straight to the mountain. Got it?" Bailey said, looking out the window.

Me and Cam did a nod looking outside


This is suicidal


Why must the world be this way?


Bailey and Cam slam open the door and run out, but when I took one look, I was frozen in fear.

The whole village was on fire with people running in fear while raiders chased them.

"Where the fuck is y/n?" Bailey yelled in the distance at Cam, Loud enough for me to hear.

Cam ran over to me and grabbed my wrist, "For fucks sake!" She grumbled, running back to Bailey.

I looked over to where Bailey stared to see the building we had been in a few minutes ago had collapsed.

Cam pulled me as we ran, We quickly ran passed a boy with pink hair around Cam's age.

I turned back to look at him, He stared at me before disappearing in the chaos.

That was 7 years ago, I was only 10, Cam and Bailey aren't much older.

Ever since then we have been travelling. Travelling to a wonderful place we heard of, A place people were free to build.

But as we have travelled through villages we have all been through hell.

Poor Bailey has a personality disorder, Cam smokes from the stress of being the oldest.

It's my fault in a way, If I could pay attention and not get into trouble then things would be easier.

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