Regret(Jaime POV)

Start from the beginning

"I will helped you as much as possible to get out of here. I swore an oath to your sister", I informed her and she looked at me sceptically.

"Why should I trust you?", she asked.

"Because I swore an oath to your sister. And I know, I am not particularly known for keeping oaths, but I will keep this one. Even if it kills me", I assure her but she still looks wary at me.

"Why?", she asked simply. I breathed in, there were many reasons but the main one was simple.

"I love your sister. And I promised her", I reply and she looked somewhat surprised but a small smile spread over her lips.

"I knew there was something between you two", she said and I chuckled.

There was nothing between us. Not anymore.

"But I highly doubt you can help me now", she began and I raised one eyebrow in question. "I am married to your little brother".

I looked at her in shock. She was my sister-by-law now. Seven Hells there was no way out of this one.

"Was your marriage consummated?", I asked and she shook her head.

"Then we can annul it. Right now we need to make a plan on how to get you out of here. I will try and work something out. For now, don't attract attention, and wait patiently", I instruct her and she nods.

I walk away to my chambers, hoping that the bath was already finished and I could relax after a whole year of unending travels and not very good hygiene. I walked inside my room but was greeted with a sight I didn't want to see.

Not yet anyway.

"Jaime", she breathed out as she walked over to me but stopped when she saw my sling and my stump. "What happened to you?".

"Lots of things", I reply coldly, walking past Cercei. "You are going to have to be more specific".

"That's what you say first? After a year and a half of being gone, those are your first words to me?", she asked, raising her voice.

"What else do you want me to say?", I asked as I turned to her. "Cercei I missed you dearly, Cercei I love you?".

"An apology would be nice", she bit back and I looked at her, scoffing slightly.

"For what?", I asked.

"For starting a brawl on the streets with Ned Stark, then riding away into the sunset after our little, hell spawn brother", she began and I sighed at her insult towards Tyrion. "Then getting captured by Robb Stark, leaving me alone surrounded by enemies, unprotected under a siege".

"A rather short siege", I add. "And you seem to be doing just fine without me. I don't see the problem".

"You left your children unprotected. Now our only daughter has been shipped off to Dorne, and our eldest son is marrying a wicked little bitch from Highgarden, while I have to marry her older brother.", concluded Cercei and looked at me with the same cold eyes I thought I once loved. Until I saw Audelia's.  "I think I do deserve an apology".

"Sorry, I didn't intend on being captured and maimed", I sneered, raising my stump a little. She scoffed, walking over to the wine and drinking some.

"You're not the same", she whispered as she looked at me.

"Of course I'm not the bloody same", I sneer as I look at her angrily. "I have been held captive for over a year, I have been maimed, beaten, and humiliated. I haven't had a bloody well made meal in over a year, or a bath!".

Cercei narrowed her eyes at me.

"You should be happy you are back home. But you are not. Why?", she asked, pouring more wine for herself.

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