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I was standing in front of Spencer's door with a dilemma. My hands were full with the takeout and I wasn't able to knock, so instead, I made a hard kick at his door in hopes to gain his attention from the inside. It worked.

"Hey, did you kic- oh here let me help you with that," he says, opening the door and taking the bags from my hands.

"Thanks, and yes I did kick your door," I said, taking off my coat and sitting down on the couch. I've been to Spencer's apartment enough times to navigate my way through it and to feel comfortable walking around. We've had a couple of nights after long cases where we just ate food and watched movies or read books together. Being the two youngest members of the team kind of pushed us together as friends.

He came back into the living room with plates as I was looking through his bookshelf. "Anything new?" I asked, my eyes scanning the book spines I have memorized by now.

"Yeah," he said, pulling out a few books and showing me. I looked through them till my eye catches one that I've seen before.

"You bought the book," I stated, my eyes darting back to Spencer who had a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, I kept on hearing your voice telling me it's worth a read, so I bought it."

"Have you read it yet?"

"No, but I plan on to, soon."

"Well, you're going to love it. Give me a call when you finish it," I say and set the books back in their place before sitting back down on the couch, this time followed by spencer doing the same.

We grabbed our food and talked about anything and everything.

"Okay," I said placing my plate down on the coffee table once we were done eating and conversing. "So we should talk about this pretend relationship."

"Yeah, we should."

We talked and talked and talked trying to figure out the foolproof fake romance we could and this is what we came up with:

- We started spending a lot of time with each other outside of work and realized we had feelings

- I initiated the first step (because it wouldn't have been believable if we said Spencer did.)

- We went out on a couple of dates to see if our relationship would work and it did

- We've been together for a couple of months(2-3.)

- We're taking things slow.

We also thought it would be smart to come up with rules so that neither of us is uncomfortable and we don't blow our cover:

- Very little PDA (hand-holding and hugs is alright)

- Both will attend any team events together(dinners, night out, etc.)

- Try to avoid the topic when the other is not there and if it's unavoidable, then immediately tell the other everything about the conversation.

- Never ever tell anyone that the relationship was fake.

"Okay great," I said, writing down the last thought. "Now... sign," I said handing over the paper.

"Sign?" he asked, amused.

"yes sign." I laughed. He gave in and passed the paper back to me and I did the same.

"I'll make a copy and give it to you tomorrow," I said, placing my stuff into my bag and standing up.

"Wait, so that's it?" Spencer asked, following me to the door.

"I mean... I guess. what did you expect?"

"I don't really know." he shrugged.

"Well don't worry because tomorrow is when the real fun begins." we decided that we were going to start hinting towards a relationship at work but not fully tell them. It'll make it more fun, seeing the teams confused faces and avoiding their questions, making them go insane. I can't wait.

"Bye, Spencer, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Bellamy."

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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