Chapter 3: Look to the Stars

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Chapter 3: Look to the Stars

Thinking back to his first days in the dragons' mountain, he smiled. He had arrived to find the caves emptied at the front of the mountain. A few guards disguised as sheep herders were posted there and soon as they saw him coming, stopped him from entering. He had explained his story to them, and told them that Kiyohime had sealed the location of their clan in his mind, and that he requested an audience with Aurum king Urg. They had eyed him suspiciously as he spoke. It was only at the mention of Kiyohime that their eyes widened and they exchanged glances. One of them had disappeared into the caves and returned with a very old man.

"Speak your case," he had said his voice barely audible.

"Are you the Aurum king?"

"That should not be your main worry at present," the old man said, his voice with warning.

Once more, Coleske had told him his story, and when he was done, the old man nodded and straightened.

"I am the Old Master of the clan. I speak on behalf of His Majesty when I say welcome to our humble home," he bowed gracefully.

"Thank you," Coleske said, and made a sketchy bow.

The Old Master extended his hand and gestured for Coleske to follow him into the mountains. He had been awed at the interiors of the hidden caves. He had thought the temple of Kompera at the base of the mountain was the only structure the clan had. But inside the caves, were massive corridors and pillars that seemed to be carved from the mountain itself. They must be holding the roof in place, Coleske thought. 

Large openings with light brown doors and golden handles glinting in the dim lit caves, showed door ways to other rooms and parts of the caves. Every few paces, candles and lanterns lit the way, and they met a few of the people who gave him curious glances and quickly hurried off. He had turned to stare at them. At first, he had thought his eyes were being tricked by the lack of light in the caves, but as they began to pass more people he knew what he had seen was no trick. 

The people in the caves were not exactly humans, though they held most features of one. Some had claws on both hands and feet, others had colorful scales protruding from their skin. Some had animal like eyes, but not from any animal he had ever seen. He thought to himself then. These must be the dragon people! Perhaps they are able to change back to humans at will without being bound by a magical spell like Kiyohime. 

As they made their way up a narrow winding staircase he caught a glimpse of some women passing by with bundles of clothing in their hands. They were dressed like servants. If they had any parts of the bodies resembling that of a dragon, they were well hidden. After a demanding climb, they finally reached the top of the stairwell and Coleske gasped in amazement. 

They stood in a circular corridor that stretched on forever, and curved to an unseen side. In front of him were two great doors of a circular wall. Everything, from the floor, to the higher roof, was coated in gold. Light sipped in through unseen holes and lightened up the place in a golden spectacle. Two guards stood at each door and stared ahead. They were dressed in simple clothing, but carried golden headed spears in one hand. The Old Master stepped forward and spoke.

"The king has a visitor," he said simply. The two guards regarded Coleske for a moment.

"The king is expecting him," one said. As he spoke, Coleske noticed that his tongue slipped out and was black and forked at the end like a snake's. No, like a dragon, he corrected himself. He felt the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand, his palms were sweaty and he was sure they were all aware of his sudden heavy breathing. As the doors opened, a shimmering soft yellow glow spilled from the room. As they walked in past the guards, Coleske's eyes immediately shot up to the roof of the cave. 

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