Plaything - All Daughters x Fem!Demon!Reader

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As the sun was setting in, you decided to go for a little stroll in the Village.
While walking, you were pondering about the fact that you didn't have any money for your grandma's medicine, she who lived with you in your small house.

You sigh, realizing you were thinking too much that you ended up in front of the infamous Castle Dimitrescu, which was kinda far from your house.
You heard some rumors about the castle, like maids who never returned back to their home or shit like that, honestly you didn't believe those bullshits.

As you sit on a bench not so far from the Castle, you observe it. Then, an idea popped in your head.
There were also rumors that Lady Dimitrescu has a secret room, where she keeps a lot of money.. Maybe if i sneak in i can get some money for Grandma's medicines..

That's it. You decided to try to sneak in the infamous Castle, not really caring about what will happen.

Maybe i can fake being a maid searching for work? Nah..boring

You open your wings, and fly towards a window, just to check if there was anyone in the main hall. You sigh, seeing four figures, one of them was a very tall woman, the other three were girls wearing long black hooded dresses, all of them were sipping what looked like red wine.

You then fly back down. You try to find an entrance, and luckily you find a door that wasn't unlocked. You succesfully sneaked in, the only problem now was finding the secret room.

"Did you hear that?" A voice suddenly says, "Daughters, please go look around, i don't want any outsider in the castle" the voice says again, you guessed it was the tall lady's voice.

Then, you heard buzzing so you hide under a table, hoping nobody will find you. You see big swarms of bugs flying down the hall where you were hiding. One of the swarms starts to change shape becoming more human-like.

"Wait, i heard something" The girl says, and after that the other swarms of bugs change shape, becoming human-like.
You weren't paying attention to where the girl who talked went, as you were trying to overhear what the others were saying.

You suddenly hear a faint giggle, and when you look back forward you see a blonde girl, with what seemed like blood on her face and lips, she was holding a sickle and was crouching down to look at you under the table, meanwhile the others girl got closer. You stare at the blonde girl's eyes, to not show any fear, the other girls giggled so you look at them and while you were distracted the blonde girl impaled your foot with the sickle she was holding before.
You try to scream because of the pain, but your vision blurred and the last thing you saw was her dragging you towards who knows where, along with the others girl who were still giggling.

You wake up laying down on the floor in a room, you see the tall lady sitting on a chair sipping wine, not facing you while her, you suppose, daughters were standing not so far from you.

"Mother, i bring you fresh prey" The blonde who impaled you says,
"You are so kind to me daughters. Now, let's take a look" The tall lady says then gets up from her chair and turns around to face me "Aren't you the demon who refused to join Mother Miranda? It's quite a surprise to see you here" She says, getting closer to you. "Now, let's see how special you are" She says, two of her daughters grab you by your arms and lift you a little up,

"I'm not scared of you all, you know?" You say, looking at the daughters then at the tall lady. The blonde lifts your wrist then slices it, "What the fu-" you were interrupted by their mother sucking on your wrist, tasting your blood.
"God! What even is this? Is this how demon's blood tastes like?! Absolutely disgusting" She says, with a look of disgust on her face

"Daughters, you can keep her as a plaything, since she's a demon please don't kill her, she may be useful" The tall lady says, going back to her chair to sip wine, or blood, you didn't know. "Yes, Mother" They say in unison, dragging you out of the room with them.

"C'mon, get up and after you do you better start running" The red-headed girl says, giggling. "How am i even supposed to run if y'all sliced my foot?" You say, struggling to get up, actually making it. "Not our problem, aren't you a demon anyway?" The blonde says, "Yeah, i can regenerate every body part but that would just be too easy for me, you would never be able to catch me" You say, kinda flexing your healing and speed powers.

"If you say so. Well, since you say that we can't catch you, can we atleast taste your blood" The black-haired one says, and without even recieve a response she gets closer to your neck, then bites it and starts sucking on it.
You slightly push her away "Yeah, no, i don't really want a vampire to leave me an hickey" You say jokingly,
Suddenly you felt arms wrapping around your waist from behind, you look around and not seeing the red-headed girl you guessed it was her behind you. She then bites on your neck and starts sucking on it, so the black-haired girl did the same but on the other side of your neck.

"Ok now, you two had enough, i wanna have a taste too" The blonde says, pushing away the other ones and proceeding on grabbing your arm and bite it, sucking your blood.

"Wha- didn't your mother say that my blood was 'disgusting'?" You ask, staring at the girl sucking on your arm.
"Actually, it is devine, i don't understand why Mother doesn't like it" the black-haired one says.

You sigh, pushing away the blonde one too. "Can you atleast tell me your names?" you say.
"Bela" the blonde says, still holding onto your arm without sucking it.
"Daniela" the red-haired says
"Cassandra" the black-haired one says.

"Ok then Miss. Bela, Miss. Daniela and Miss. Cassandra, may i get a bit of rest, and if you can please show me a room where i can sleep?" You say, mockingly acting regal.

"I mean, you can surely sleep in my chamber with me" Daniela says, giggling.
"Or in mine" the other two say in unison.
"Yeah, no, i think i would prefer to sleep alone" You say, smiling.

"Aw, please" they say, tugging onto your shirt. You sigh "Fine, ok, but i can't just choose one of you" you say, giving in.

Yes, there will be a part 2, i'm starting to write another oneshot but with Bela only, it'll be fluff.

1176 words

Sweet But Psycho - Dimitrescu's Daughters x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now