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Savannahs POV -

Today was the day, today was the day that my mom was shipping me off to my dads and step moms hosue. After my last run in with the police she decided that it would be best for me to leave her and move in with my dad in north carolina.. I mean come on there is nothing to do and see in North Corolina and i already know its going to be shit.

The car pulled out of the drive way and I waved my mother off. I was dreading seeing my dad, it had been 8 years since he left, hge missed all my teenage years and the only day i heard from him was birthday. 

I arrived at the airport, I knew that I was going to miss California a lot but i also know that I had no choice. I boared my plane, not knowing what i was going to do for the next 5 hours. 

I woke up to a massive jolt and soon realized that we had landed. Due to all the old rude people thinking that they had to get off first, it took my half an hour before I finally got off the plane. I went and got my bag and soon spotted my dad, his wife, her kids (my step siblings) and my dad and step moms new baby girl.

We pulled into his driveway and I took a glipise at the was massive, I couldnt believe it. Maybe it wasnt going to be as bad as i thought it would be. I looked over at the neighbours house and i spotted a teenage boy, maybe around my age, playing with a little girl on their front lawn. It didnt take me long before i realized i was staring into his eyes. His eyes were a perfect baby blue colour and they were the death of me. 

Dad helped me carry my bags to my room and i started to unpack. My room was massive so I didnt really know where to start. I was only half way through unpacking when my dad knocked on my door and said that someone was here to see me.

I walked down stairs and it didnt take me long to realize who it was. It was the boy i had been caught staring at only a few hours ago. He introduced himself as Nash Grier and then it hit me..My bestfriend back home was obsessed with him, he was like a vine star or something. He came upstairs and helped me unpack but i couldnt take my eyes of his beautiful face. 


So there is is..the first chapter of my first ever fanfic. i hope you guys enjoyed it and it wasnt to boring! but please share it and keep reading because i promise it will get intresting.

For now i will be publishing Wednesdays and Saturdays (Australian Time) and possibly some other days if you guys are lucky ;)

For everyone who comments as well i will be doing a shout out each week to the first 4 people to comment or even read so be sure to!

I am aware that this chapter is short but as it is my first i wasnt sure how long to do them so i promise they will get longer!

Thank you so so much for reading and be sure to add it to your librarys!


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