Holivia Vanpire Zombie Love Story

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Harry Styles was an beautiful 17
year old boy, who liked to wear nail polish and dresses. One day, he decides he has had enough of his, what he thinks is, boring life and wants to do something crazy. Such as, joining a cult and becoming a vampire. To join this vampire cult, there are a few things he has to do and rules he has to follow. First, he must saceafice a limb. Bect, he has to eat chicken brains, and cinally, he has to do an snl skit about being a dog that transoforms into a himan and talks to his owner. After completing these tasks, he becomes a vampire. The rules he has to follow are: bite one human per day, listen to One Addition, a boy and consisting of Neil Heran, Lima Pen, Lewis Tomminson abd Zen Melk, all day erday, and finally..., NO ZOMBIE INTERACTIONS.

Olivia Wilde is a weirdo 27 year old, who likes to drink melk(🤮) and convince the public she is fating coworkers abd thinks going into directioning after being an acteess is similar to coming out of the closet. She also thinks it's "cool" to be lesbian and that it's a personality trait rather than a sexuality. Anyways, Olivia has been pining after a boy for quite some time now, and thinks there is only one way to get him to like her back. That is.... becoming a zombie😱. She drinks goat blood and becomes a corna virus- immune zomvie. One small thing about being a zombie is that you have to wear the same close everdat and you cant go bear vampires.

One day, when Harry is listening to Clouds
(stream it rn) abd sewing himsef a new dress, he looks out the window and sees the ugliest thing he's ever seen in his life. That thing happens to be... OMIVIA🥶. Harry stares at her and thinks "wow, that bitch is so ygly, sucks to be her." He knows it's mean but he doesn't like to lie. At the same time Harreh is thinking this, Olivia looks to her left abd sees Harry sowing the dress. She becomes so happy and excited, that she walks into the he streat without looking, and gets hit by a bus. Talk about Regina George am I right? After 4 months of extensive surgery, ovilia gets out of the hospital, a brand new zombie girl. She goes back to the place she spotted the love of her life 4 years ago, but finds that he has moved. He moved so he wouldn't have to see Olivias face ever again bc 🤢. When Harry moves, he actually moves in next to One Subtraction and Katy Perry. Oblisia is again walking bc she has no life abd no friends, and sees Harry, yet again. She goes up to Harry and says "Hi. You are so beautiful." Harry scoffs abd replies "I know, but I can't say the same about you." The boys of One Addition laugh and yell "roasteeeeddd!" Olivia stars to cry and tries to kiss Harry so she won't be upset anymore. Harry screams bloody murder abd says "YOU DUMB BJTCH IM A VAMPIRE GET AWAY." Olivia starts crying abd says "I thought you loves me?!" Harry laughs so hard he starts to pee himself. Katy Perry comes out of her apartment to see what all the rifles is and when she sees Olivia she runs up to her and starts making out with her. When they spectate Katy says "I kissed a girl and I liked it. The taste of her cherry chapstick." Olivia starts crying harder and says "ITS MANGO YOU IDIOT!🤬" Everpyne is shocked by her outburst abd gets quiet. Oblivious once again goes up to Harry abd says "Well? Do you love me?" Harry responds with "Well, what do you think?" Olivia starts stuttering from the intense glare she feels from One Addition. She finally speaks "I think you love me, abd we will be together forever." Harry starts cackling, and Zen comes over to Harry. They start sucking each other's face off and Olivia cries, once again because that's all she knows how to do. When Zayn and Harry stop kissing, Harry yells at the Zombie, "I'm gay it's pretty unfortunate isn't it Olivia?" Olivia screams for 5 years, abd all of the boys and Katy just stand there abd watch her. By the time she finishes, Harry, Neil, Zen, Lima abd Lewis have full grown beirds. Harry and Zayn run off to get married, abd return with a child. They stole him from someone but love him as their own child. Niall hates Harry bc he is the captain of Larry abd doesn't want him to dare zen. They all live happily ever after, expect Olivia who had to live in a dungeon for a century for talking to a vampire. THE END

Holivia Zombie Vampire Love Story🥱🥱Where stories live. Discover now