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After eating lunch Naruto said bye to his friends and ran off to keep training. Weekends are when Naruto was gonna cram every bit of training he could.
Instead of going back to training fields Naruto left the village and ventured into the forest. The two shinobi guarding the village entrance didn't give the 8 year old a second glance as he walked out. Good riddance they thought.
Naruto started to run once he was out of sight. He needed to find some kind of clearing before he gets attacked by the captain of the fox scavenger unit.
     When reaching a clearing Naruto could sense the fox advancing towards him; it knows he's alone. Naruto calculated the distance of the incoming fox and perfectly timed his attack. His right hand dug into the special pouch he carried and in a single motion he drew out 8 shuriken and threw them. Naruto put together his hands, preforming the necessary hand seals for his jutsu.
     "Fire style: phoenix flower jutsu!" Naruto yelled. He blew out a stream of fire, igniting the flying shuriken.
     Naruto heard a surprised yelp coming from the surrounding trees. For a second he thought he saw the fox but the image disappeared almost immediately.
     Can it turn invisible? Naruto asked the kyubi.
     Yes, all captains have some kind of ability that corresponds with their ranking group. Since he's a scavenger it must be some kind of invisibility technique. The nine tails said.
     Well that does make things a little more difficult. Naruto closed his eyes and honed in all his other senses, sending chakra towards his ears and nose to enhance their effectiveness. He also shot chakra into the ground to better sense the injured animal, pinpointing on its exact location.
     Naruto ran forward, adding chakra to his legs, and punched what seemed to be a tree. The fox's camouflage shut off completely, revealing its unconscious body.
     "Honestly that was easier than I thought." Naruto giggled. He walked over to the fox who already seemed to be healing its wounds and squatted by its face. "Are these special techniques related to the whole nature energy thing you were talking about before?"
     Maybe. said the kyubi.
     Oh so that's it? No explanation? No remark about me not surviving? Naruto poked.
     Ugh you're so annoying. Even when I try to end a conversation you just keep pushing. The nine tails complained.
     You're so quiet all day long. I don't understand why you don't wanna talk at all. Don't you get bored? Naruto asked.
     You get used to being imprisoned after a few decades. The kyubi sighed.
     Hmmm. Guess I'll just leave it at that. Naruto thought uncomfortably.
     The blue eyed boy got up and turned, walking to the river nearby. It wasn't long before the passed out fox woke up and ran to catch up to the blonde.
     Without turning to face the fox Naruto waved his hand dismissively. "If you're all healed up you can leave."
     The fox vanished into the landscape and Naruto kept walking. It may be a few hours before the next fox attack so he might as well keep refining his chakra control. Naruto wanted to work up to a level where he can walk on water droplets whenever he wanted, not just when he's 'feeling good.'
When he got to the river Naruto took off his jacket and shoes. He proceeded to walk out to the center of the massive body of water and headed to the waterfall downstream. He stayed quiet, trying to concentrate on sending the perfect amount of chakra to his feet to prevent wasting any. The rapid flow and fall of the water created enough mist in the air for Naruto to walk on, or more specifically, run on. Without wasting any time the blonde jumped out onto the 30 foot drop and felt as his foot connected to the not-so-solid surface of mist. With his raw speed Naruto made it down all 30 feet in just a few seconds.
It wasn't efficient enough. You were still leaking an excess of chakra, do it again. The kyubi critiqued.
I know I felt it too. Whenever my feet aren't connecting to the mist I'm still sending chakra out instead of stopping it for those millisecond intervals. Naruto frustratingly thought.
The blue eyed blonde kept up his training until it was getting dark and he was getting hungry. Having wasted most of his savings and allowance on his new suit and ninja tools Naruto decided to live off the land.
You know I like this area. The child thought as he was setting up the fishing rod he had just summoned from a scroll. It has a nice view and no one would find me out here. Plus training and food would be taken care of.
It wasn't long before Naruto caught a few fish and cooked them over a fire. He wasn't exactly the best cook but if the fish smelled ready then it's good to go. Naruto finished his meal and lay on the grass, not wanting to go back to the village.
You know it's not like they'll miss you. And it can't be all that hard to build a small hut or something. The nine tails said.
Well I can't just completely disappear. There are a few people that would notice and it's not like I can just drop out of school. Naruto thought. It could serve as a small resting spot though.
Naruto pondered this thought and seemed to really like it. There was still the problem of taking time to get here though. If it took him forever to walk here and back then there would be no time to relax.
Hey fox you met my dad right? Naruto asked.
Unfortunately yes. The fox answered.
I read somewhere that he had a special technique, one that would let him teleport to wherever he wanted. Naruto thought.
Yes something like that, but it wasn't wherever he wanted. The technique is called the Flying Thunder God Technique and it lets you teleport to an object that has your technique formula marked on it. Your father was fond of marking his kunai. The kyubi explained.
And if you can use this to travel between any distance then having something marked in my apartment and something marked here shouldn't be that hard to do. Naruto smiled at his genius. Not to mention that this technique can be really useful in other ways.
I don't know much about it so you're on your own. On the other hand you could say that this technique is your birthright so the third Hokage can't really refuse to give you information on it. The nine tails said.
Well, seems like I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Naruto got up and started for the village. I would've already gotten to the village by now if I learned that technique earlier. Naruto complained.
Quit complaining. Walking is good for you and it's not like I'm going to let you get lazy and teleport everywhere instead of getting to places yourself. The kyubi sternly said.
You know, when you scold me like this it's almost like I have a mother. Naruto teased.
Shut up! The nine tails shouted. Maybe he had spent a little too long sealed in Kushina. He didn't want to agree with the brat but sometimes he does sound a little too much like her.

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