The little Drama Queen

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Against all odds, a few weeks after the incident Hajita's hands had fully and completely healed. In all other aspects she was back to her normal self as well. She now even was able to look at her scars as a gift instead of a curse. After all, they had made Kakashi-kun admit his feelings for her. If that was not worth it, she didn't know what would have been. Ever since the day at Orochimaru's base and their talk at the hospital, Kakashi and Hajita had become inseparable. Even after her release from the hospital, Kakashi visited her every day to see how she was doing. However, more often than not his visits were disguised as getting to know Naruto's newly acquired Sage Mode skills and as opportunity to once again train with his old student. Naruto, as inattentive as ever, didn't notice how often during those visits Kakashi's gaze wandered off to find Hajita, who most of the times pretended to do some gardening or reading, when in fact she was following Kakashi's each and every move as well. She knew she had to tell her little brother about their relationship sooner or later, but she simply wasn't ready yet. She was well aware of his temper and feared he might overreact a little – or a lot.

A few weeks after the incident, the Godaime summoned Team Yosochimu as well as Naruto and Jiraiya-sama to her office in order to tell them what future tasks she held for them and how the squads would be formed from then on. Hajita thought it was not the greatest idea to show up to this meeting together, but Kakashi insisted on accompanying her. On their way, they argued once again about telling Naruto. He tried to reason with her for what felt like the hundredth time.

"What's the worst thing that could happen, Jita?" Kakashi asked, interlocking his hands behind his neck.

"Oh, c'mon, Kakashi. You know my brother." Hajita sighed. "He is quick-tempered and very protective of me. Plus, he really can be a little Drama-queen sometimes. The only man who beats him in making a scene is Gai."

Kakashi laughed and put his arm around her, pulling her close.

"Fair point well made." He admitted. "But you worry too much, Hajita. I'm sure he'll be ok with it."

Kakashi's former attitude of indifference had turned into a manner of carefreeness whenever he was around her these days. He simply couldn't see any reason why he should keep his love, now that he finally had managed to commit to it, a secret. Hajita was quite flustered about the fact that Kakashi wanted everyone to know about them and felt proud to be the woman at his side. So, she decided to let his cheerful mood and warm touch take away her anxiety and simply hoped that he would be right about Naruto's reaction.

As usual, they were not on time and consequently the last ones to arrive. When they entered the room together, Minari squealed and started to hop excitedly up and down, shaking Daisuke's arm who simply grinned and gave them a thumbs up. Even though there was no physical contact between Kakashi and Hajita that very moment, their joint entrance was all their former teammates needed to confirm their long-existing suspicions. Tsunade, who also had already been wondering about Kakashi's odd behaviour at the hospital, understood as well and smiled mildly as she congratulated them. Thanking the Godaime for her blessing, Hajita and Kakashi both bowed their heads while blushing slightly. This left Naruto and his sensei Jiraiya as the party's clueless ones.

"What's going on here? Why is Granny Tsunade congratulating you? Is it your birthday, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto tried to understand what was going on.

"By wishing them all the best" Tsunade-sama explained matter-of-factly. "I expressed my consent."

"I still don't get it, ya know." Naruto replied confusedly and looked back and forth between the Godaime and his sister, hoping for somebody to explain the situation a little further.

"They are officially a couple, you moron." Minari hissed at him through grinded teeth while still grinning at her teammates.

"What? Kakashi-sensei and Onechan? No way." He screamed and turned to yell directly at his older sister. "He is way too old for you, ya know!"

Hajita now had a guilty look on her face and tried to save the situation.

"You see, Ototo, a lot of things happened in the two years that you were gone."

But Naruto didn't give her the chance to explain. As she had expected, he threw a tantrum and stomped out of the office. He was so outraged you could hear him grunting something about old perverts and gagging at the thought of his sister and Kakashi kissing all the way down the road as he left town in the direction of the forest.

Jiraiya, the legendary Sannin, excused himself as well in order to hurry after his student.

"I better go after him. I fear he might be up to no good after hearing this news. I'd like this forest to keep all of its trees for a little while longer."

As he started for the door, he added "Don't worry about it. He'll come around. He just sometimes needs a little while to get used to new arrangements." He looked apologetically at Hajita and clapped Kakashi on the back, commenting the situation.

"She for sure is pretty, Kakashi. But a little flat on the chest if you ask me."

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