Not so different

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On the anniversary of her parents' death day, Hajita decided to visit her parents' grave for the first time. She had never been to a cemetery before but was looking forward to finally having a place to grieve. She was proud to have parents who were heroes of war but that didn't cease her pain. Not a single day passed by where she didn't miss them, but on days like this the pain was almost too much to bear. As she walked through the rows of graves, she noticed Kakashi standing not too far away and decided to go up to him and express her sympathy. As she reached him, she read the inscription that said "Uchiha Obito". Before she could say something, Kakashi started to talk.

"This the reason why I'm always late. I come her everyday first thing in the morning. To remember and to honour him." Kakashi confessed and felt a wave of sadness roll over him. He never had been here in the company of someone else. Thinking about that made him even more sad somehow.

"I didn't know." Hajita said apologetically. "And yet you let me scream at you for being late. I wouldn't have if I had known your reasons. I really am sorry, you know."

"That's right" He said in a harsh tone without looking at her. "Most people don't know much about me. Yet they all have their conclusions and assumptions. I'm used to that. And to be honest, I really don't care." Now I get why you always are so indifferent, Hajita thought, not getting emotionally involved with someone is your way of protecting yourself. Maybe even your way of ninja.

"I have another place to visit and I'm sure you do, too." And with that he left. As she watched him walking away, she felt saddened by the fact that he did not want any love in his life. Furthermore, she felt guilty for not being able to make him feel better even though she had promised herself she would try after Itachi's attack. She thought that this day couldn't get any worse and took all her strength together to walk up to her parents' grave. But nothing could have prepared her for the view. Seeing the beautiful marble memorial for the first time almost knocked the life out of her. Her knees gave in and she broke down as silent tears flowed down her face.

Standing at his father's grave, Kakashi talked to him in his head like he usually did. To his own surprise, he started telling him about Hajita. At first, how her presence at Obito's grave had annoyed him because it had made him emotional. Then about how much her demeanour at trainings reminded him of Rin. He told his dad about how sad she looked sometimes. And how beautiful she was when she laughed. And it suddenly hit him: he felt something for her. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but definitely more than his usual indifference towards most people. As much as he had put all his strength into not getting emotionally attached, without even trying Naruto's sister somehow had started to tear his wall down. But that meant he was vulnerable. And Kakashi did not like that. It's better if I keep my distance from now on and not let her anywhere near me, he thought while leaving the cemetery. But this mindset only lasted for a second as it changed completely the moment he saw Hajita cry in front of her parents' grave.

Because then and there it dawned on him, that they were not so different from each other. They had experienced the same kind of tragedy. She too had lost her parents; she too had lost her best friend and now her brother was gone as well. He knew how that felt. She is just as broken and alone as I am, Kakashi thought and swore to himself that he would do everything to stop her from hurting. Not because of the promise he gave Naruto, but because she deserved not to be miserable anymore.

She didn't know how long she had been sitting there when a familiar voice started talking to her in a soothing tone. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and her vision was quite blurry. All of a sudden, without a warning, she was swept up by strong arms and carried back to the city. Even though he never had touched her before, she knew it was Kakashi before she took a glance at his all-too-familiar handsome face.

"Thank you", Hajita whispered as she closed her eyes and felt her muscles relax. She didn't know what it was about him, but she always felt safe and secure when he was around, like nothing could harm her and no pain could reach her. His chakra felt nice and warm and all she wanted to do was rest beside him a little longer and let him care for her.

"You're welcome" Kakashi said in a soft voice.

Never say Never (Kakashi x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora