
he wanted to tell chanhee that it was him all along. that, in their years in university, he was the only one that younghoon had truly grown attached to.

it has always been you.

but, he shrugged his question aside and put the focus back onto chanhee. "who confessed to the choi chanhee?" younghoon joked, praying that maybe his ears were merely playing tricks on him.

but, when he was met with silence, he pieced the puzzle together, everything finally clicking into place.

"i never pegged changmin to be the confident type!" chanhee's eyes widened and younghoon forced a laugh out. "it doesn't take a genius to put everything together."

chanhee nodded slightly. "but how would you react-"

"honestly, i'd just stay friends with the person. but in your case, i can't really tell if you and changmin are friends or merely tolerating one another." every word he said felt as though his heart were being pricked,  repeatedly being tossed into thorny rose bushes as he spoke.

chanhee scoffed. "i'm not close to that dancer but i guess i won't ignore him either then. back to you now. you never mentioned anyone to me before and now i'm finding out that you have feelings for someone?"

"since when did choi chanhee care about my nonexistent love life? don't you have a 'cold' and ' mysterious' persona to keep up?" younghoon said, laughing slightly so as to distract himself.

"why would i put up a front when i'm with you?" if younghoon could fall any further, he would've been in a blackhole, unable to escape the grasp that choi chanhee had on him. "i trust you."

then his phone rang.

almost immediately, younghoon shot out of his seat and left the room to take the call, unwilling to address the fact that only choi chanhee could make his heart beat so rapidly with three simple words.

'i trust you.'


"can you believe it kev?"

"no, i most definitely cannot despite the fact that you've been repeating yourself for the past hour and a half," kevin replied, having listened to changmin's ramblings about chanhee for so long that he felt as though he had his exact phrasing ingrained into his brain.

seeing his roommate practically vibrating with joy made kevin feel secondhand happiness, changmin's smile truly being something that could light an entire room up.

but, a small part of him couldn't help but be slightly worried for changmin. having been roommates with changmin, kevin knew how much he could overanalyse and overthink every single action and although it helped him be more cautious, one bad prediction could send the boy spiralling down a well of negativity and kevin didn't want that to happen.

he wanted changmin to stay as bright-eyed as he was in that moment and, although chanhee seemed to bring him joy, the overprotective friend within kevin couldn't help but be paranoid.

there were so many instances where chanhee had (unknowingly) resulted in changmin feeling a whole myriad of emotions and though largely positive, the negatives were devastating to observe and yet, kevin knew that they could get worse.

"hey changmin, if chanhee already rejected you, are you still going to try and win him over?"

changmin nodded, smiling brightly at him. "isn't that what you did with jacob?"

"well if we compare jacob and chanhee, one is a sweet perfect angel who can do no wrong while one is...well he's choi chanhee! he's talented and smart yes but he isn't exactly the most friendly person out there." kevin sighed. "i support you liking him! i really really do but... i guess i'm just afraid you'll get hurt somehow," kevin muttered, looking down at the floor.

"thank you for worrying about me!" changmin tossed his arms around kevin, trapping him in a bear hug to which kevin replied to by lightly tapping his back (half out of shock while the other half was the need for air). "i promise i'll be careful!"

"you sure?" changmin held out his pinky finger and took kevin's hand, locking their two pinky fingers together. "are we pinky swearing right now?"

changmin nodded. "didn't you know that it's the most binding of all promises?" kevin raised an eyebrow at changmin's 'fact' but nevertheless, allowed him to continue speaking. "i will be careful with my heart and if i'm not, i give permission to kevin moon to smack me!"

"you're way too happy about this," kevin remarked, placing his thumb against changmin's so as to seal the promise.

but as the day went on, a part of kevin still couldn't help but think that chanhee could become the downfall of changmin.

and he knew that if it came to that point, he would have to cut choi chanhee out of ji changmin's life himself.


[a/n: sorry this isn't frm chanhee/changmins perspective! i just wanted to show you guys what the people closest to the pair thought about the whole situation!

i hope it wasn't boring (◕﹏◕✿)
ill add more stuff for the next chap!]

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