Chapter 16

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The base in Welasco is now in bloodbath. Many died, the plants are on fire, the smoke is too thick and you can only hear the sound of guns and grenades.

I know Zero can handle those people with the help of our subordinates so I focused in trying to save the abducted people.

"Can you see the underground door in this basement?" Hubris asked from the hearing device.

"Yes." I hurriedly said and tried to open the door but it's locked.

"Any keys?" I asked Hubris.

"Someone is coming from your side, Red. She's a captain." Hubris said.

Tanginang babaeng 'to. I really am in a hurry to save lives and yet she's about to disturb me.

"Bitch, what are you doing?" She talked.

I smiled. "Ma'am, I really would like to save those kids. We still need their organs and we can't let the Espionage take them from us."

She laughed and pointed her gun at me. "You have the uniform that's assigned for planting drugs and yet, you're here. You are suspicious."

I smiled. I still have my whip, hidden in my uniform. "Is that so, Ma'am?" You'll be fucked.

She was about to fire the gun at me when I used my whip to stole the gun from her.

"You think that I only have one gun?" She said when she fired the gun but luckily, my hands are fast to counter attack the bullet that's being fired at me.

She became furious and started to pull the trigger once again but sadly, she met me. I am better at using guns that counter attacking her is not even a problem for me. I can't even die even if she will shot me. After all, I survived four bullets in the Hydra's entrance test.

"Is this what you've been looking for?" She said while playing a key in her middle finger.

What an idiot. She really dared to show the key right in front of me.

I smirked. I know why she's confident right now.

Infact, she's not alone. Someone is eyeing on us. Not too far that I can even sense him. To his clumsiness, he was about to kill me from the side when I used my gun to shot him on his head. "Bingo."

The girl's face became more furious and tried to kill me once again when I used my other gun, the one that Zero gifted me. The Raging Thunder Bull.

"You have amazing hands, Luna. I think you're way better than the Head Alpha." Hubris said then laughed.

If only Zero will hear this. "I will brag this to Zero."

The other line became silent. "Luna, you wouldn't want to kill me right? I hope you would forget it." He hurriedly said that made me chuckled.

So Hubris whose way older than Zero is afraid of my husband?

I sighed in relief when someone hugged me from the back. "I finished my business already, wife." He huskily whispered.

His every breath is way too sexy and I can feel the hot sweat from his biceps. "Learn to control yourself, Zero. We are not in our house."

He chuckled. "Then let's hurry because I missed you. It's already been a while when we had it." He has the urge to kiss me when...

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