Chapter 1.

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"Come on Karlie, you don't want to be late on your first day of school!"

"You know Michael this isn't my first day of school right?"

"It's your first day at this school so come on."

I got out of bed and went to my closet. Why did Mike get me so many clothes?

I grabbed my favorite outfit that he got for me. It's a pink top and a black skirt with flowers on them. Then I grabbed my black vans to match.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning Karlie," Michael said handing me a bowl,"I made you cereal so we won't be late."

"Thanks Mikey."

"No problem but eat quick because we got to go so we can register you."

"Got it."

Michael went outside to start his car. I quickly finsished my cereal and ran out to his car.

"Ready?" Michael asked.



Michael took me to the office where I got my schedule. We had three classes together: history, spanish, and music and then of course lunch.

"Hey my friend Luke is in your first period class. I will text him to let him know to keep an eye out for you and then also you got a friend."

"Ok thanks Mikey."

"I'll see you third period ok?"


Michael and I took off in our seperate ways. I followed the signs the best I could to get to my first period class, science.

After what seemed like forever, I finally got to the room.

I walked in and suddenly a tall, blonde hair, blue eyed boy came up to me.

"Hey I'm Luke. Your Michael's cousin Karlie right?" he asked.

"Yeah that's me," I responded.

"Well welcome to Sydney. Michael told me you came from Melbourne."

"Yeah that's right."

"So do you like Sydney so far?"

"Well I visited Mikey a couple times but never actually got to stay for awhile and check it out but I'm liking it so far."

"Well I can give you a tour one day."

"I would love that."

"Mr. Hemmings who is this?" a man asked.

"Oh this is Karlie, our new student," Luke replied.

"Hello Karlie I'm Mr. Miller your science teacher."

"It's nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand.

"Well since Luke doesn't have a lab partner and he is probably the first person you met so far, you can work with him."

"Sounds good."

I followed Luke back to his lab table and sat down.

"Get ready for a boring first period," Luke whispered to me.

"Trust me I'm used to it," I whispered back.

After 50 minutes, first period was finally over.

"So where do you go next?" Luke asked.

"English with Mrs. Brown," I replied.

"Ooo Calum has that next," Luke responded.

"Who's Calum?"

"Oh he is the bassist of our band. Did Mikey tell you about it?"

"No he didn't," I laughed, "I guess he will have to now."

Luke laughed, "Yeah I guess he will. I texted Calum and he is waiting for you. Just go to the end of this hallway and your there."

"Thanks Luke."

"No problem! Now hurry up you don't want to be late."

"Ok see you later."

"See ya."

I started to walk down the hall like Luke said.

I got to the end and a brown haired guy who looks like he's Asian was standing there.

"Hey you must be Karlie, I'm Calum," he said.

"Yep that's me," I responded.

"So welcome to English and your probably wondering this but I'm not Asian," Calum responded laughing.

"How did you know?" I asked laughing.

"A lot of people think that. Now let's get inside."


It was the end of 4th period and it was finally time for lunch.

I followed Mikey down to the cafeteria with our lunches in our hands. We got in the cafeteria and everyone started to stare at me.

"Don't let them bother you. They always do this with new students," Mikey whispered to me.

I followed him to the back of the cafeteria to a table where Luke and Calum were already sitting at.

"Hey Clifford," Calum said.

"Which one are you talking to Asian?" I asked as I sat down next to Luke with Calum and Mikey across from us.

Luke started to laugh. "You see it too?" he asked.

"Right when I saw him," I replied and I started to laugh along with Luke.

"Ok real funny. Anyway you guys have the same last name?" Calum asked.

"We are cousins," I replied.

"Wait what? Michael you didn't tell me this."

"I didn't tell anyone till today and that was only Luke," Michael replied.

"Sorry didn't tell him that part," Luke announced.

"Thanks for telling me Lukey," Calum replied.

"No problem Cal-Pal," Luke replied.

"You guys are weird," I said.

"Actually they are a couple," a brown hair guy said sitting down at the table.

"Um excuse me?" I said.

"No we aren't actually dating. It's more like a bromance," Luke said.

"And they even have a ship name. It's Cake," the guy said.

"And you are?" I asked.

"Oh this is Ashton. Ash, this is my cousin Karlie," Michael said.

"Cousin? Michael you didn't tell me your cousin goes to our school," Ashton replied.

"That's because she only started today," Mike replied.

"Oh then it's nice to meet you Karlie I'm Ashton."

"I heard," I replied.

Luke started to laugh. "I think I like you already Karlie," Luke said.

I guess moving here wasn't that bad. It looks like I'm going to fit in just fine with these 4 boys even though they are a little weird.

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