❝We are glad to see you again, miss Xu Yang.❞ Mi An mother's, Mi Qui said.

❝I'm also glad to see you, your majesty. ❞Xu Yang said bowing.

The Emperor, Zhang Wan cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

❝Oh, right, his highness, the Emperor of Xuan is also here. Pardon my rudeness, I was excited to see Xu Yang and I completely forgot about your majesty. Please do not take offense.❞ Mi An said bowing apologetically.

❝I don't mind. ❞Zhang Wan said through his teeth clearly upset.

❝Please, sit down. ❞Mi An continued showing them two chairs situated at the end of the table.

Xu Yang and Zhang Wan sat down and servants poured wine in their cups.

❝So, how is the life of an Empress?❞ Mi An asked Xu Yang.

❝Interesting.❞ Xu Yang said not wanting to continue to speak on the matter anymore.

Mi An understood her friend didn't want to continue with this so she changed the subject.

❝About the trading between our countries, do you want to discuss the details now?❞

❝Yes, if it's alright with you, An An. I know you prefer to leave business matters out of your parties. ❞

❝I don't mind.❞ Mi An waved her hand in front on her face.

❝We prepared some silk and jewelry for you to see. Ji An, bring the gifts!❞ Xu Yang said gesturing to Ji An who was behind her waiting orders.

❝Yes, your majesty.❞

❝You have a pretty Kingdom.❞ Zhang Wan said trying to slide in the conversation as he was again ignored by the two women.

❝Thank you for the compliment, your highness. I'm sure your Empire is much more glorious that my humble Kingdom. ❞Mi An said in a soft tone giving looks to Xu Yang.

❝The silk and jewelry, your majesty. ❞Ji An said pointing to the chest two guards were holding.

❝Please take a look, An An. ❞

Mi An stood up and inspected the chest.

❝It's so pretty! These bright colors... and the one you're wearing has such beautiful embroidery and the detailed hair pins... I love it.❞ Mi An exclaimed touching the silk in her hands and already imagining her in a dress made of it.

❝I'm glad you like our gift.❞ Zhang Wan said smirking. (A/N:As if you did something, idiot)

❝Yang Yang knows me well. I will sign a trading agreement with your Empire. Let's talk about prices now. ❞Mi An sat down in her chair and a servant gave her a paper, a brush and ink.

Xu Yang was ready to speak when Zhang Wan cut her off. (A/N:Annoying ass bitch)

❝Yes, as Xu Yang mentioned you can trade meat, rice, flour, soybeans, soy milk for the silk and jewelry. One chest filled with silk has 50 meters of fabric and the value in money will 2.500 gold. For food I was thinking about 15 kg of pork meat, 15 kg of beef, 15 kg of chicken, 10kg of rice, 10kg of flour for each chest.❞ Zhang Wan said keeping a straight posture with his chin held high.

Mi An was giving glances to Xu Yang as if asking "Why is he here in the first place?".

❝I see, your majesty is good at bussines. ❞Mi An said writing down the numbers Zhang Wan gave her.

❝As for jewelry you can choose gold or jade, with or without precious stones such as ruby, emerald. I will use the best craftmen to personally craft your majesty jewelry.❞ He continued with a smile on his face.

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