-They broke up-

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It was a normal day until, Lee Y/N saw her boyfriend, Kim Taehyung bashing up other boys because of his possession towards her,

Y/N- Tae! Stop this, I said you constantly to stop this for me, are you a living demon?! IF THIS CONTINUES I HAVE TO GET RID OF YOU, I CANT STAY WITH YOU

Tae- Princess, don't be scared it's just a war of my possession and their lustful eyes seeing you, and getting rid of me?
I'm always behind you *gives a creepy psychopath smile*

Y/N- *starts tearing up* everyday, same drama I can't I really can't, dating you is the most regretful decision I have made till date, I hate you, I can't live with you anymore

-She ended up saying those and ran towards her best friend Sana who was always with her in bad or good times-

Sana- Hey, what did he do again? Why are you crying?

Y/N- it's all ended up, I'm don't with this I can't live with him anymore I need to have a good life, which is only possible when he isn't involved with my life

Sana- Calm down.. listen to me, you are the strongest person ik y/n.. If Lee Y/N breaks down, I won't be happy right? So cheer up let's go to party today!!

Y/N- hm, sure *sobs and hugs Sana*
Btw should I say this to eun woo oppa? He should know about this

Sana- um sure- I- idk u go and say him

(eun woo- y/n's big brother, the fact that Sana *Y/n's bestie* had a crush on him, lol)

Y/N- hey- you are literally blushing listening his name *starts laughing like nothing happened few minutes ago*

Sana- Aishhhh lets go now *chuckles*

Little did both of them know that someone listened whatever they said,
Yes that sOmEonE is The psychopath Taehyung, who was full of envy and wanted y/n to be his all-time kitten? Or maybe slave?

( SSIsisJoonie5 made the book cover! Amazing isn't it? Check her profile)

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