night aviation

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TW; Intrusive thoughts

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TW; Intrusive thoughts


"You flatter me, babydoll."

Dabi stepped closer, entering (Y/n)'s room. Dousing himself in the moonlight that shines through her window.

As his eyes looked up at her, she sat upright her covers slipping from her top half, revealing her modest and comfortable silk nightgown.

He wanted to subdue her right then and there, but now is not the right time for that. It could be, but he'd rather not rendezvous with someone who could put the League, his goals at risk.

"Are you stalking me out of free will?" (Y/n) half-joked as she scanned Dabi's presence. His tall stature looked over her.

"And if I am?"

"By all means, continue, as long as you don't put your hands on me. I could really care less." She shrugged caressing her (s/c) tinted skin that glimmered in the light, nearly putting Dabi's icy blue orbs to shame.

He decided to push his luck, bending down to place his fists on her bed to support his upper half. Dabi leaned in and observed (Y/n)'s features silently, not daring to look away.

She didn't either. They looked at each other in silence.

Her scent wafted into his nose. She smelled like fruit, and vanilla, maybe it had been her body wash or even her shampoo. He could get lost in it.

Dabi in turn to (Y/n) smelled like smoke and cologne.

"You could care less huh," Dabi sized her up, gazing from her comforter-covered bottom to the top of her forehead before capturing her eyes with his own.

"You know me, don't you?" His eyes bored into her own (e/c) ones. The silence that encased them was intense, she could hear the breath that matched the movement of his chest.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) broke the gaze from his unforgiving eyes, to stare at him from the neck down. It was an obstructed and blocked the view, but his white strap shirt was loose enough to view.

She could see silver sterling studs among his chest, peaking from the hill of his pecks. All for her viewing pleasure.

If she wanted, (Y/n) could stick her hand inside of it, and drag her soft palms up his damaged skin up to his neck.

The thought of her grasping both her hands around his neck, pressing firmly until he stopped moving, and those ice blue treasures of his became open forever crossed her mind.

She refrained.

(Y/n) looked back up at Dabi almost innocently, widening her eyes by barely a centimeter.

"Don't fucking look at me like that," Dabi snapped in irritably, his brows furrowing with his words as he continued, "how the fuck do you know who my father is?"

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