great minds think alike

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It stunk.

It smelled like bad deeds and ruined lives.

(Y/n) hated it. Looking around the tall building, her breath hitching for only a moment as she gazed at the ugly grey color. She hated very few things in life, but she hated these things.


She was by far not the best person ever but she still had the sliver of an atom of humanity. It was microscopic but it was there, behind those mean (e/c) eyes.

I'm annoyed right now. She thought, or more so realized as she walked to the desk displayed in front of her, a man with a badge on his uniform. Swiftly, she tossed her now empty cup of tea into a garbage bin.

"Ugo." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, inaudible to anyone within earshot besides her faithful god.

It was like he was inside her head. He always knew exactly what to do.

He stepped his blue limbs over the high mini door that sectioned off behind the desk, careful not to bump anything, he made his way to the man behind it. Scary grey eyes scanning over the computer.

"Can I help you?" The man was polite as (Y/n) approached the desk, shifting his glasses with his ringed finger. They were big and seemed to not fit his face properly. He's married.

(Y/n) observed.

"Yes, I'm here to visit someone." She spoke naturally, but made sure to lay it on thick with the body language charms. Batting her pretty lashes and smiling ever so slightly as she held her hands neatly in front of her.

The man fawned quietly at the woman in front of him, nodding before clicking and then typing away at his keyboard.

(Y/n)'s stormy (e/c) shifted to Ugo, urging him for intel.

"Porn." He said monotonously with that same calm smile on his face.

(Y/n) blinked. 'What.' she wondered, having it sound like a confused statement instead of a question inside her head.

The man in front of her cleared his throat as he stole glances at the attractive woman in front of him, briefly tugging at his uniform collar.

"Pig." She muttered aloud, half intentionally. The riskier side of herself had wished the man heard her, but that'd only cause trouble. But she should've known.

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